Chapter 34 | The dripping blood petals

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❀Her delicate white pink petals stained with the darker shades of blood - The wrath of Black Iris❀

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Her delicate white pink petals stained with the darker shades of blood - The wrath of Black Iris

🥀•Chapter Thirty-Four•🥀

The garden bloomed in an exquisite array of roses, their vibrant hues shouting out a proclamation of love. He stood, a portrait of strength, cradling the most resplendent white and pink rose in his arms.

His rose beauty twirled in harmony with him, a dance that painted the sky with an ethereal glow. The world seemed to come alive, the heavens radiating a brilliance unmatched, while a soft and sweet melody whispered through the air.

A smile graced her lips, a reflection of the affection that blossomed between them. And he, in turn, reciprocated the depths of their love through his every gesture and word.

"Jungkook?" Her voice reached his ears, and he turned, perplexed.

How could he hear her voice when she was already in his embrace?

Yet, as he surveyed his surroundings, a stark realization washed over him. He stood alone. His rose beauty had vanished, leaving him bewildered and bereft.

A gulp caught in his throat as he glanced upward, only to find the once vibrant sky cloaked in a darker shade, ominous clouds swirling above. Thunder roared in the distance, a harbinger of the impending storm.

And as he cast his gaze upon the once thriving garden, he witnessed a tragic sight—the beautiful roses withered and lifeless.

"Y/N!" His voice pierced through the desolate forest, each desperate cry reverberating through the silence as he raced, his feet carrying him swiftly in search of her.

Where was she?

"Y/N!" he called out, his voice laden with fear and urgency, echoing through the desolation.

His breath hitched when he heard a faint response, a whisper that carried the weight of vulnerability. "J... Jungkook?" he heard, and his heart trembled. He turned, his eyes locking onto the figure before him.

It was Y/N, but she resembled the Y/N he had known eight years ago, before the accident that had forever changed their lives.

Little Vixen.

As he approached her, his hands cradling her delicate cheeks, he noticed the pain etched across her features. With tenderness, he brushed away the tears of anguish, his touch a balm meant to soothe her wounded soul. "What happened, my beauty, my Y/N?" he pleaded, his voice filled with a longing to erase her suffering.

She clung to him, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, her voice fraught with desperation. "The devil has returned, my beast. Protect me, as you vowed." Her words seeped into his being, igniting a fierce protectiveness within him. But before he could fully comprehend, a chilling realization unfolded before his eyes.

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