Chapter 2

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After the training Jk and Yoongi returned to their respective chambers. Jungkook took a long bath and got ready for the breakfast which considered whole royal family .

Jk's pov

the guards announced and the royals stood up bowing at my father well not father but king .

"At ease"king said and everyone sat down . The maids started serving breakfast. There was dead silence in the room...well I kind of liked that rather than these people talking about my future. I was brought back to my sense when my STEP brother coughed well it was fake coughing to gain some attention from these oldies which they gladly gave .

"So prince Jungkook how is your training going on . I heard you are overworking yourself please take care of urself Im really worried for you " Kai said with fake concern ...oh my my look which crocodile is asking the buffalo to not to pass the river because he don't want to catch and eat them.This is unimaginable .

"My training is going on well prince and to tell u about overworking it's nothing I should get used to it because in future I can't sit idle I have to look after the Kingdom so it's just practice goin on ."
Jk said with a smirk on his face because he exactly knew that he hit harder to Kai's weak point.

"That's good to know prince "Queen jeha said with the most mischievous smile which others thought it was pure .

"Well son I want to tell u that I will be soon announcing the date of your coronation." King said in his deep voice.

"My love what's the hurry we can wait a little more let this boy train himself first or else people will think what a weak prince king has been chosen to rule over the Kingdom."the queen said in serious tone .

"No I know what Jungkook is possible of doing.... he is the best and no one will ever dare to think that my choice for the future king's selection failed because in this kingdom as far as I know Jungkook is more praised then me he has the best knowledge of how a kingdom should be ruled he is the only one who will sit on throne...end of discussion"king said in a stern voice he then wiped in face with cloth and went away from the room leaving me with my loved ones .

"Don't get urself too high prince u know ur mother was also like u very proud of herself for being a warrior but then at last what happened she died and that's what it's going to happen with u... u don't deserve to be on the throne u r nothing but just that slut's pathetic child. Come kai let's go let's not waste our time with this low life."

Done ? Anything more ? Well it's nothing new I'm used to it .but today I liked the way my father decided to take my side....he may not be supportive towards my personal life but he always choosed me for the Kingdom .

Jk's pove end

So the thing is the king had many concubines as in one of them was Jungkook's mother. She was one of the ministers daughter and was also a warrior. The minister asked her to become king's concubine and without any fight she decided to go as per her father says because she knows that she won't be a real warrior which she wished to be of.

The king mated with her and she got pregnant .The former queen which means the king's mother decided to marry the king to Jungkook's mother only for the heir purpose .Jk's mother bacame the queen but the world always disrespected her called her with many vulgar names and then after giving birth to jk due to mental stress and depression she passed away .

That time king married jeha and became the queen since then jungkook is receiving harsh treatment. The world also considered him like his mother but he served himself for the Kingdom by going to war on a very small age of 15 and taking calm decisions. The people started respecting him and loving him. His father saw this and gave the kingdoms authority to jungkook who didn't wanted it but accepted it .


"If that's the thing then I have a solution" king taehyung said in his calm voice .
He called a guard and whispered something in his ears...the guard nodded and went out of the court room to bring something.

"I am going to ask u to do something that method will definitely clear out who' s going to die today."taehyung said in his deep voice particularly glaring at the man who is standing beside the woman .

The guard bought a glass of salt water and and huge bowl . And stood beside the woman .
"Lady u will drink this salty water as this water will make u vomit everything and as your husband is claiming that u have eaten meat so the so called meat should also come out if it comes it means that the woman is guilty and would be severely punished but if the meat is not present then the husband will be found guilty."the king said in serious tone .

The ministers and other people who were present were amazed by how the young king handled the situation.

The woman gladly accepted it and started drinking the salty water but her husband surely became pale because after this his life is going to end he very well knows that.... Drinking salty water is not possible but to get free from her life problem (husband).she drank it.

Time passed a little and the woman vomited and the maid present over there concluded that there is nothing only water since the woman had not eaten anything from 2 days .

"So do u have any explanation??"taehyung asked with dark face .the man shivered listening to the deep dangerous voice.
"M-my l---lord actual....".
"My lord I have proved my innocence please give me justice plz my lord"the woman said crying .

Lord forgive me I'll treat her good ...heyy Tessa plz I'm sorry let's go back home.
"No I won't "the woman yelled at her husband.

"So as per the proof ..Tessa's husband has been found guilty and under the law of the Kingdom. I king's advicer and justice minister announce that Tessa's husband will be put inside the bars for 6 years for threatening and physically+mentally abusing his wife."Bogum announced.

The man started shouting and screaming but nothing happened the guards forcefully took the man . The woman was having happy tears in her eyes.
"His majesty I'm honoured that I got justice from ur hand thank you my lord for helping me . I apologise you for creating a scene at the palace doors and calling you even after u just came back from the war yesterday....I'm sorry as well as thankful "the woman said keeping her eyes closed and heads down .

"It's ok lady it's my duty u all r my people....after this if u want to leave ur husband's home u can and I'm giving to place in royal palace as a maid so that u won't get abondened."the king said calmly with blank face.

"Thanks my lord I will definitely serve the royal palace"the woman said happily. All the ministers had a satisfied as they knew that no person can go back from this kingdom with a gloomy face . And that's what the reality was the woman was very happy .

"The court is dismissed"taehyung said and stood up leaving the court.


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