Chapter 3

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Tae's side

Tae was walking  peacefully on the corridor after the court work was finished and setting Tessa free and giving  her a job in the palace. Unless and untill he felt that peace word doesn't exist in his life. He felt tight hug from behind and knowing that who it would be he didn't stopped letting that person who was hugging him from behind slide with him . "Uhhh. Hyung wait wait.....owww my dresss.....ufff why r u dragging  me u alien." A young girl dressed elegantly in royal blue colour said with an annoyed look on her  face. Her hair was left freely while  a crown on her head which  indicated that she held some higher position in the palace.

"Then y r u hugging me like a monkey??" Tae asked. " I haven't seen my brother for almost 8 months what can u expect me to do ??? U know I really missed u soo much  while u were gone I felt happy but then also i missed u ". She said while trying to make a fake cute face which felt very disgusting to the other . The other knew that this woman surely wants something from him which he brought while coming back from the war.

"U missed me ??? Seriously.....or did u miss the sneaking out of the palace or mixing some spices in my food so that u could see my red teary face ??? ". Tae asked raising his eyebrows knowing very well that atleast in this birth a woman like her would not miss him sincerely unless her own profit is there. They both started walking toward the royal dining hall.

"Uhh brother u know that right I feel really boring sitting in this whole ass palace. And u know when u where gone there was no one with whom I could trouble . I didn't even had a partner for sword fighting. The soldiers would always make excuses and went away. 🥺🥺. " the  woman said with sad face to which taehyung could only chuckle knowing that no soldier would take any risk to fight with the princess. Not that princess Jennie was horrible in fighting but when she holds a swords she totally becomes a knew person who can fight ferociously without  thinking that it could hurt the other .

Everyone including King had tried to make her understand but nothing happened she always played with sword like an alpha in the war . Only taehyung could handle her.Jennie was famous among the kingdom for her mischievous and bratty behaviour. But when the time comes she has shown her bravery as well as when she saved a kid from drowning into the river by herself  jumping into it . She is also well known for her political mind. She has given  suggestions for the kingdoms development  many a times . The ministers were kinda afraid of her because she was extra intelligent about them who tries to get under the kings shoes for position. Her behaviour with ministers was always straight she didn't hesitated to point out their faulty behaviour. That's y she was not in good looks with the ministers..but she didn't care bout them and y would she....she is a damn princess with power and authority .

With their little cute fights they went in front of the door. As soon as the door opened the series of maids standing a bit far from the dining table bowed at the king and the princess their eyes met with the royal members. Namjoon the second prince of the kingdom and son of 2nd step mother   flashed his dimple bright smile and quickly stood up from the chair to give a tight hug to his brother whom he has not seen for a long time .
"Heyy taehyung how r u my brother "??...."I'm very fine Namjoon hyung hope u r also doing well " tae said with a smile on his face . Looking at tae's face there was someone who had tears in the eyes . That person quickly wiped the tears and flashed  a very big smile failing to notice that tae has already noticed that person's  action and that has  melted his heart for that person..more

"How r u taehyung my boy and how was the war.......I heard that the opposite kingdom played unfairly using wild animals in the war . ??
The former king that is taehyung's father asked him  with a straight  look on his face . Taehyung sat beside the former king and  beside him was Jennie opposite to him was his 1st step mother who wasn't looking at him being uninterested in this topic.

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