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Mia and Andrew arrived at the abandoned building and split up.

Mia was about to climb the stairs when her eyes locked on who was supposedly one of the snipers. She immediately chased after him, he waited for her to reach up before jumping down.

She couldn't jump because of her dress's restrictions and quickly ran down the stairs.

He had almost escaped the building but she aimed for his legs and shot causing him to crash on the ground.

Yeah, this was a usual thing in her life as a Martinez.

They had numerous amounts of burglars and criminals during her childhood, and had witnessed the sight of blood since she could remember. She was unphased by the assassin's groans of pain.

Her father had always had a gun on him, and he taught each of them how to shoot once they were fifteen. They all had a registered gun and her siblings had been carrying theirs due to threats on their lives but she had never thought she would be a target.

She had left hers in the mansion when she moved out, she never believed she would weird the weapon again, and she wasn't even involved in the property madness.

Her thoughts were distracted by the sound of gunshots from the roof.

She quickly ran up the stairs leaving the other assassin crawling in blood.

The second sniper and Andrew were throwing fists and tumbling on the ground. They both tried to aim their gun at the other which was impossible as they were tangled.

She aimed at sniper two only for Andrew to end up on top.

This was impossible.

She couldn't shoot, she may hurt Andrew instead.

Sniper two shoved Andrew's head into the ground and raised a gun to him.

She shot the gun out of his hands and he fell groaning in pain.

She could shoot yes, but she avoided murdering her targets.

She rushed over to Andrew.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm good" Andrew replied panting hard. Footsteps were heard rushing up the stairs.

"Are you two okay?" A voice asked appearing. It was a police officer.

"Yeah, we are" Andrew replied pulling Mia into a hug.

A second officer also arrived and they rushed over to the assassin.

"You shot him?" The officer asked examining his hand.

"Self defence" Mia replied.

"Okay___ Why don't you two go back to your family, we'll take it from here" the officer ordered.

Mia nodded and she and Andrew went down the stairs and rushed out of the building, There was another ambulance in which paramedics carried Sniper one too.

Mia and Andrew crossed over to the mansion.

The guests had hidden themselves indoors.

"Andrew, Miranda!" Rozelle called rushing over to them, tears rolling down her eyes.

"Are you hurt, are you alright?" She asked frantically as she examined her children.

"We're good mum, Mia saved me" Andrew replied turning to smile at Mia.

"Andrew" someone called. Beverly.

"Are you hurt?" She asked with fear in her eyes as she examined her fiancé

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