03 | What an Asshol-

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Was all I could manage to utter, my frustration peaking as I watched him and his gang clamber into the car, tires gripping the asphalt before they vanished around a bend.

"Ugh, McDreamy my ass," I muttered, my voice tinged with equal parts irritation and disappointment.

Despite the weight of my bad day, I refused to let it dictate my hunger. The garish Wendy's sign still beckoned to me, it's bright red and yellow hues strangely comforting in a twisted way.

I made my way across the bustling main road, my heart racing from my close call earlier. I walked cautiously, my steps calculated and focused on the path ahead.

As I reached for the restaurant's door, I was met with a cheerful face. Her welcoming expression provided a stark contrast to the day I'd been having.


Eager for a brief, comforting hug, I leaned in, only to find myself enveloped in Max's exuberant embrace. It was as if she intended to crush every bone in my body. But oddly enough, I didn't mind.

In fact, her almost overwhelming enthusiasm was one of the things I loved most about her. It was just who she was, and it was impossible not to be infected by her vibrant spirit.

"Hola, mi amor"

"Spanish and I have a relationship like Romeo and Juliet-no wonder my grades are a tragic tale" I took a seat with my deflated face scanning through the menu.

"Well, why fear when Max is here" she exclaimed, playfully taking the menu from my hand and studying my face intently. "You'd rather be happy, what's up?" Her gaze seemed to pierce right through me.

I sighed, appreciating her concern.

"Well, things went south with my parents again, and to top it off, I had a lovely encounter with a bunch of jerks on my way here. So, that pretty much sums up this face" I droop my face and curl my lips.

"I got you" was all she said before she left me stranded

She handed me a burger that rather looked appetizing, although my ability to complain was currently running on empty.

"Hasn't the drama at Beverly's High caught your attention? It's like everyone's lost their minds this past week," she exclaimed.

I chuckled. "I've been MIA from school for days, and I'm not exactly known for my social engagements. So, I'm pretty much in the dark here"

"Well, there's this new sensation at our school, a real heartthrob. He's so scorching hot that girls are practically fanning the flames around him," Max revealed with a mischievous grin.

Oh, well

"You're definitely coming to school with me," Max declared a playful glint in her eyes. "I'm getting exhausted stalking him all on my own. We've got to figure out what classes this guy is taking"

I couldn't help but scoff, rolling my eyes at her

"The Audacit-" Max began, but her words were abruptly halted by a co-worker who chimed in, indicating that it was time for them to head out.

I hastily gulped down the burger, feeling its cold trace down my esophagus. As Max went to grab her jacket, I rose from my seat, ready to make our way home.

"Hey, mind if I crash at your place tonight?" I inquired, to which Max readily agreed with a smile.

During our walk home, Max talked, while I listened. She shared that her boyfriend, Jake, had surprised her with a promise ring.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the news-it seemed a bit peculiar considering they'd only been together for a couple of months.

But amidst Max's voice, my mind wandered.

I found myself fixated on the memory of how he had grabbed my arms firmly, his gaze penetrating mine with an intensity that could make my heart race. His eyes held a level of intimidation that seemed to challenge me to my core.

And then, my thoughts trailed off to the image of his crisp white shirt, unbuttoned all the way down, revealing a glimpse of his-


I'm pretty sure that was Max

"We're home"



Ah, that was such a long day for her! If you did end up liking this chapter, do leave your comments and votes. I love hearing from you!

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