08 | New beginnings!

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I squeaked, my eyes widening as she dramatically whipped out one of her infamous orange wigs as I lowered the lamp I was holding.

This woman!

"Are you auditioning for the role of a traffic cone in the neighborhood play?" My eyes were practically out of my sockets.

"No honey" Her voice softened as she held the wig close to her

"Do you remember the Halloween theme from when you were in middle school? You were absolutely Shrek-crazy, so we transformed you into our own ogre-in-chief. And, well, I got to be your lovely Fiona, hence the wig."

Fiona from Shrek technically wore a fiery red wig, but when the store ran out of options, it seemed they had a "bad hair day" and handed her an orange one instead. So, my mom had no choice but to cosplay as 'Fiona the Slightly Off-Color'!

Mom chuckled and adjusted the wig back on her head. With a playful smile, she quoted one of Fiona's iconic lines from Shrek, saying, "I'm not your typical princess. That's for sure!"

With a smile, I began to reminisce about that unforgettable, albeit slightly embarrassing Halloween of mine.

It was back in sixth grade, where princesses and princes reigned supreme, given the theme. There I stood in the middle of the hallway, painted head to toe in green, with a ginormous Shrek mask that practically screamed, "I'm an ogre! Deal with it!"

Indeed, it was a spectacle that would echo through the ages, a Halloween moment that would forever be etched in the annals of history as I was called the  "Greenest Shrek to Ever Shrek."

I swear, I was the talk of the town for the next few days. Why do I always have to be the one to achieve instant fame?

I paused my thoughts and raised an eyebrow, my curiosity piqued as I surveyed the scattered clothes in my room.

"Mom," I began, "what happened here? It looks like a tornado hit my closet."

Mom's expression shifted, and she reached out to gently take my hand in hers.

There was a gravity to her touch that immediately caught my attention.

"Selena," she said softly, "You have to get ready for what I'm about to say."

Her gaze softened

"I've sent your dad so many divorce notices in the past few months," she confessed, "but he's been ignoring my attempts and reacting with anger. I'm doing this for our safety and well-being, Selena. I don't think your father's ever going to change"

My parents' strained relationship had always been a source of concern, but the idea of them separating and moving away was a shock.

I stared at my mom, wide-eyed, as her words sank in. Her grip on my hand felt both reassuring and trembling like she was holding onto a lifeline.

I took a deep breath and nodded, signaling that I was ready to hear more.

She sighed, choosing her words carefully. "I went house-hunting, with a friend. I've been looking for a place where we can start fresh, away from this neighborhood and the painful memories it holds."

That explains why she wasn't home for the past few days

I reached out and hugged her, feeling the warmth of her embrace and the turmoil in her heart.

"Mom, I'm here for you, whatever you decide. But are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

Tears welled up in her eyes as she held me tighter.

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