10 | Ace Salvador Cartier

111 21 57

| Jameson's pov |

3rd April, 2022

Sunday, 2:05 pm

Nestled in the heart of the city's forgotten quarter, there existed a gambling den known only to those who sought the thrill of the unknown.

The entrance, a discreet door in a dimly lit alley. Inside, the air was heavy with the fragrance of aged whiskey and the sweet, lingering smoke of cigars.

The soft murmur of conversations mixed with the melodious tunes of a live jazz band in the corner, created an intoxicating atmosphere.

A dim, golden glow emanated from a chandelier above, casting a veil of mystery over the room.

People gathered around tables, their faces concealed by shadows, engrossed in games of chance that could make or break fortunes in an instant with risk and reward dancing hand in hand.

In that rowdy gambling den, wherethe noise was as common as the cards on the table, ground to a halt the moment he strolled in.

"ACE SALVADOR CARTIER" a player at the billiards table exclaimed, and heads turned to meet the legend himself.

Ace Salvador Cartier, a name that resounded like a siren's call within the hallowed halls of the Salvador Gambling Den.

Ace, with his pale blonde hair and piercing emrald eyes, was the perfect embodiment of silent but deadly. His presence alone held an air of controlled power, a demeanor that could cut through ice.

For years, he had held dominion over this clandestine kingdom, a monarch in his own right, ruling with an iron grip and a treasury overflowing with millions, even billions of dollars at his command alongside his dad.

He stood as the unrivaled sovereign of the criminal underworld, an undisputed Mafia kingpin.

Lives met their demise at his ruthless hands, yet the world marveled at his artful execution, where death danced in his shadow without a trace of blood on his hands.

Adjusting his crimson tie with the nonchalance of a man who owned the room, he casually waved to the player in the distance.

Ace, as usual, sported a sleek black suit - his trademark attire that made everyone else's best look like yesterday's fashion.

He then strolled towards the poker table, the other players couldn't help but feel a nervous shiver down their spines, their mouths suddenly parched.

"Gentlemen, hope you've been practicing. It's always a pleasure to separate you from your money." Ace took a seat by the table with a smirk

"Don't count your winnings just yet, Ace. We're here to make you work for it," Josè Eastard who stood opposite to Ace snorted.

"You know, Josè, I'm not here for the money. There's something else I'm after

Josè chuckled nervously, "You're always after something Cartier. Now, tell me. What's the catch?"

Ace nodded and then leaned in closer, his voice lowering.

"Well, let's make things a bit more interesting. I'll bet you something other than money, something personal."

Josè had his curiosity piqued, "Alright, Ace, I'm listening. What do you have in mind?"

"If you win this hand, you get to keep my entire kingdom."

The room fell into a hushed silence as the weight of the bet sank in. It was a daring move, even for Ace.

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