05 | HELP!

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"Ahoy there, Ms. Estrogen"

What the-

"You look like quite the tutor." I could practically hear the imaginary wink accompanying it

And you look like an asshole come true, except for those dreamy eyes-

"It's Estrada," I said glancing the class around for an empty seat, avoiding all the eyes which were on me

"You're feisty, I like it" Jameson grinned, pushing his hair back

I couldn't help but roll my eyes so hard they almost did a complete lap inside my skull.

"Did you just, roll-"

Yep, I did it again

I scanned the classroom in a futile attempt to locate a vacant seat avoiding the one right next to him. But I guess I was out of luck.

I gingerly set the bag down, as I sat with peripheral vision becoming my greatest ally as I mastered the art of not looking at him. Eyes-Averted-At-All-Costs!!

Meanwhile, McDreamy thinks he's a living, breathing game of "I Spy." His intense gaze feels like a spotlight, but I'm determined not to crack.

I took my textbook from my bag, my gaze fixed solely on Mr. Gutierrez as if he were the only living being in the room. But then, just as I was settling into my not-so-cozy seat, the lunch bell went right off, nice!

I jammed my book back into my bag faster than a magician making a coin disappear. There was no way I could sit here for even a second longer. The judgmental eyes of the girls in the room, who were probably wondering how on earth I'd snagged the seat next to Jameson, felt like lasers boring into me.

The chair was like a hot potato, and I was ready to pass it on as quickly as possible. No way was I going to subject myself to the endless gossip and speculation that would inevitably follow.

Wait, what-



Holy Guacamole

I found myself frozen in that chair, It was as if they'd injected it with super glue or installed a top-secret anti-movement device.

I tugged, twisted, and wiggled, but it was like trying to escape from a black hole's gravitational pull, HELP ME!

I'm pretty sure I invented a new dance move in the process . My wiggling was so intense; I could have put a salsa dancer to shame.

And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I heard it. The unmistakable sound of Jameson grinning.

I couldn't see his face, but I could practically hear the smugness oozing from his every pore. That son of a mother-trucking-

All of a sudden Jameson rose from his chair, his tousled dirty blonde hair cascading over his piercing blue eyes, my heart went on a rollercoaster ride that had me hanging on for dear life.

He moved closer with the grace of a seasoned seducer, not taking more than a single step before bending down, his breath warm and tantalizingly close to my ear.

My skin tingled as he moistened his lips, and I could practically feel the electric charge of anticipation in the air.

But then, he whispered the inevitable "Good luck, Nevada"

Okay, Firstly, is it hot in here or was it just Jameson's carefully plotted words that had me feeling like I'd just walked into a whirlwind of intrigue and desire?

Secondly, It's ESTRADA!

Focus, focus, focus, I chanted like a mantra, my sweaty hands clenched in a vice grip on the sides of the chair and I could feel the sweat forming on my brow.

As if the situation couldn't get any more surreal, Jameson playfully scratched the top of my head with a smirk that could melt glaciers. It was a gesture so unexpected that I could only sit there, frozen in shock, as he walked out of the classroom with a brooding smile that I'd never seen from him before.

Girl, get your head straight!

With the clock ticking down and just 15 minutes left before the lunch bell rang, I knew I had to hatch a plan to get out of this chair and out of this bizarre situation. So, here are my options

One, call Maxine. Max had a knack for getting things done, and she might just be the ally I needed to break free from this chair.

Two, scream, but not really. While a part of me wanted to let out a dramatic scream that could rival a horror movie actress, I knew it would only add to the spectacle. So, maybe a more subtle form of calling for help would be better.

Three, Uhmm. Well, it seemed like option three was a work in progress. I needed to come up with something fast because those 15 minutes were slipping away like sand through an hourglass.


Well, well, well, we've reached the end of another chapter, and I must say, this one was a wild ride! I hope you enjoyed the twists, turns, and unexpected chair-related shenanigans as much as I did. Do leave your comments and votes down below, I absolutely love reading em!

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