Chapter 4: Accusations & Building Bridges

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That evening, Sam's steps were firm and the only sound that disturbed the night. Amber's words still haunted her, making her mind go wild with thoughts. How could Richie betray her like this? How did she fall for him so easily? Did he use the same method to get Sam to fall for him as he did to Amber? The way Amber described how he slowly started to control her and manipulate her relationship with him sounded pretty similar to her and she was pissed. Not just pissed, she was angry in a way, only the daughter of a serial killer could become. She would not let him do this to her, Amber or anyone else again.


Tara woke up, she had fallen asleep while cuddling her girlfriend who had hung out with her in her hospital room watching movies that day. It was now night time, they had accidentally slept for hours while cuddling in Tara's hospital bed. They were laying up against each other, with Amber being the big spoon and the smaller girl the little spoon, with Tara's back to her girlfriend and Amber's arms wrapped around her.

Tara usually woke up first, but she would always stay cuddled up with her sleeping girlfriend and only broke free from the cuddling if she had to use the bathroom.

Tara reached over to grab her phone, still being held in a sleeping Amber's arms, and gently shifted her body so she was now laying on her back. After scrolling for a bit on twitter she saw a post on her social media, a news story about a student at their high school, Vince Schneider, who was stabbed to death outside of the Corner Pocket bar last night. The time of the attack was just before Tara had responded to Amber's text, as Amber was supposed to be driving home from the bar. Vince used to work with Tara last summer, and had a crush on Tara similar to Wes but Tara gave him no attention, she was dating Amber and found him disgusting anyways.

The post included a still image of the perpetrator caught on a security camera, which showed someone wearing a Ghostface costume which looked identical to the costume Amber wore two nights ago when she attacked Tara. Tara's heart began to race, and she stared at Amber, who was still peacefully sound asleep.

She thought to herself, "Does Amber know who this would be? There's always two Ghostfaces in the movies; was this Richie or did he force Amber to carry out another attack?" Seeing the picture of the Ghostface costume caught on a security camera overwhelmed her and she began crying, still traumatized from the night her girlfriend had attacked her.

Her crying woke up Amber who immediately noticed Tara was upset and pulled Tara in closer to her, and a worried Amber asked, "Babe, what's wrong?" Tara, while still crying, looked at Amber and then without saying anything handed her the phone.

"Oh fuck, not again," Amber said in disbelief after she saw the news story headline and picture of the perpetrator in the costume, she couldn't believe that this was really happening.

Tara, looking scared, barely able to make eye contact with Amber, asked, "Do... do you know who this could have been?"

Annoyance and hurt appeared on Amber's face, "Why would I know who did that?" She challenged Tara.

Amber had already told Tara everything, did her own girlfriend not trust her?

Tara pleaded to her, "Please don't take that the wrong way but-"

"But what?" Amber said sharply, cutting her off, "Do you think I had something to do with this?"

The two laid there in silence, with Tara still in Amber's arms. Even when they were fighting they wouldn't break free from cuddling, as if the cuddles were something sacred.

Tara, who had tears running down her face, broke the silence, and softly said, "Can we just hold each other for a few minutes?"

All the anger and hurt vanished from Amber's face, and she replied "Of course," reciprocating the gentle tone her girlfriend had just used when making the request to her.

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