Chapter 9: Finally Our Souls Connect

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By the time the police arrived at the crime scene, Wes and Jason were already dead. Wes had called the police and told them that any 9-1-1 calls from party goers at Amber's house were prank calls by drunk high school students, which the police then took his word for it. When Sam called the police after she and Amber defeated Jason, the police still disregarded her pleas for them to come. Of course the police would take the sheriff's son's word over someone who used to be a troubled teenager.

However, Sam's pleas eventually convinced dispatch to send a unit over to Amber's house, although dispatch, unbeknownst to Sam, informed the officers that they would most likely be breaking up a school party that had gone too wild. Officers always resented breaking up these kinds of parties, it made whoever did the job very unpopular with the Woodsboro youth, who already didn't have much of a positive view of their police force.

Also, the officers had been young before, and they had attended parties the police had to break up too back when they were in high school, as all Woodsboro youth do. So they decided they would take their time, let the kids have a bit more fun, and stop for late night coffee and donuts before going to Amber's house.

The officers were shocked when they finally arrived, and found the corpse of Liv Mackenzie laying down on the main floor of Amber's house. When the police loudly announced their presence, Amber, being the only one who could walk, responded and ran up the basement staircase.

Upon seeing her in a black Ghostface robe, stained with blood, the officers forced Amber onto the ground and handcuffed her. Amber frantically tried to explain the situation but it was no use, as she was thrown aggressively into the back of a police car.

The police officers went wild when they saw the sheriff's son decapitated in Amber's basement and called for backup units to arrive and couple ambulances.

As more units arrived at the crime scene to talk to Chad, Tara, Mindy and Sam before they got sent off in ambulances, Amber was put into the interrogation room at the police station.

As Amber she sat there, still wearing the Ghostface robe, an officer that introduced himself as Morris Eagle, entered the interrogation room.

Officer Morris Eagle was a middle aged man in his 40s, with a brown curly afro and was wearing sunglasses despite being both and that it was the middle of the night. Woodsboro was a quiet town; none of the officers, including Eagle, had any experience or training in interrogations, they had only seen this done before in movies.

"Young lady, things will be much easier if you work with us; we're on the same team. So tell me, what weapon did you use to murder Wes?" Eagle said, starting the interrogation off with an obviously leading question.

After 5 minutes of Amber insisting her innocence, Eagle decided to change up his strategy. He asked her if she wanted a coffee, which the exhausted Amber accepted and told him to make it black with two sugars as he got up and left the room.

Officer Eagle returned to the interrogation room after a few minutes, but at least this time he had a coffee for her. Eagles was going to try a different technique, and play the 'nice guy' routine, and try to be relatable.

"We all make mistakes. Is your room messy? My room is messy sometimes. But we have to acknowledge it's messy before we clean it up," Eagle said to Amber, getting only a 'what the fuck,' expression on Amber's face in return. He placed a hand on Amber's shoulder which she immediately slapped off, giving him a disgusted look on her face. He might not have been able to be relatable but he succeeded if his goal was to thoroughly creep her out.

"Fucking hell," Eagle said as he stood up, grabbed what was left of Amber's coffee, which she still wanted to finish, and throw it in the trashcan as he stormed out of the room. "I quit, I'm going to find work at another police department," Amber could overhear Officer Eagle say before she fell asleep with her head facedown on the table out of exhaustion.

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