Chapter 7: A Night to Remember

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It was now early June, and as time passed, Woodsboro once again became the calm small town everyone was used to before the Ghostface attacks. Life proceeded and with that, another important event came closer and closer, filling the minds of each student in their last year of High School: Graduation.

In the small town everyone knew everyone else's business, and even the parents of the students that were soon graduating knew that Amber Freeman was throwing the graduation party. Despite many parents being insistent on stopping their child from attending, the soon to be graduates BEGGED their parents to let them go. The Freeman's were the wealthiest family in Woodsboro, so they could only imagine how good the party was going to be.

Amber and Tara had been the victims of gazes and gossip in the small town ever since Amber had shot Richie dead. Amber didn't mind, in fact it wasn't that different from the norm for her, being a Freeman meant you were the topic of much gossip.

However, this hurt Tara, and Amber knew all the gazing and gossiping happened when she wasn't there to protect her girlfriend. Amber also felt that she was the reason Tara had to suffer through this, despite none of this being objectively her fault, and she was determined to fix it.

Amber had moved back into her house at the beginning of May, one month ago, although she badly wanted to stay with the Carpenters. She had stayed with them for three months, but knew she would move back at some point anyways, and she and Tara frequently slept over at each other's places since she moved back. Sam, Amber and Tara girls had made a group chat called "The Carpenters + Amber," when she had lived with them and they continued using it after she moved out.

Since Amber had moved out, she and Sam had hung out with each other a few times, which Tara was even surprised to see happen. The two girls were shy about telling Tara, even Sam, and would downplay how much they cared about each other to her although Tara clearly saw through this. Tara wasn't sure why the two were shy about how much they cared about each other, for Amber it was definitely like having an older sister. Amber viewing Sam as an older sister meant a lot to her, being the sister she never had. Sam had left Tara's life before, and her relationship with Amber helped heal the hurt and guilt she still had, realizing she was finally being the older sister she always wanted to be. The first time Sam was heading out to meet with Amber, Tara casually asked her where she was going while reading a book for English class. Sam shyly told her that Amber invited her to go out for dinner, which Tara then got up and ran over and hugged Sam and then immediately called her girlfriend to ask her about it. Amber was just as shy, and apologized for not telling Tara before, and said she was just meeting Sam to ask about applying for universities, but Tara knew that was just an excuse to meet up with her. Sam and Amber even became close enough for Amber to tell Sam she knew her secret.

Sam found out when she was 18 that she was the daughter of Billy Loomis, one of the two infamous serial killers that died almost 25 years ago in Woodsboro.

She also realized then that Tara was her half sister; only Sam was the biological daughter of the killer. The fact made her world turn around even more, throwing her over a cliff of emotions.

Sam had been struggling with life in her teenage years, turning to drugs, partying and getting into many short lasting relationships, and the news was too much for her. She also felt betrayed by her own mother who had kept this secret from her all these years, so she decided to leave town and start a new life.

Amber told Sam as they were out one night, while the two walked around the park after going out for dinner. "Sam... you should know that... I know about who your father is. I've kept it a secret from Tara," Amber said to Sam that night, telling her the truth as gently as she could.

"I thought that you knew... but I wasn't sure if you had told her yet," Sam replied, with anxiety creeping into her voice. They stopped walking for a moment to face each other.

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