Chapter 8: I'll Always Keep My Promise

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Chad picked up a chair that was next to him and quickly threw it at Wes, which stunned him for a few moments as the group frantically ran away, accidentally splitting up into two groups; Sam and Amber running upstairs while Tara, Chad and Mindy stayed on the main floor, running into the hallway and scattering to find one of the many rooms to use as a hiding place.

Sam and Amber hid in a room that was Mr. Freeman's library, with bookshelves lined up across the room like your typical public library. There were ten rows of bookshelves spaced a few feet apart, lined up in two columns, with the two columns next to each other like two sets of dominos. The two hid themselves behind the last bookshelf of a column with the door to the room on the other side of the columns of bookshelves.

Suddenly Sam got a call on her cell phone that was obviously a fake number typically found in a texting app.

"Who the fuck are you?" Sam demanded, as she answered the phone angrily but kept her voice low.

"Let me ask the questions here Samantha. I wanna know, what's your favorite scary movie?" The voice responded, but it wasn't the classic Ghostface voice; instead it sounded like the voice of some guy in his early twenties.

"Is this... a prank call?" Sam asked, exchanging puzzled looks with Amber.

"OH SHIT!" The voice yelled out, startling the two girls, which was followed by a clicking sound from them turning on their voice modifier, "So... are you going to answer my question?" The voice then asked, now in the proper Ghostface voice.

Sam rolled her eyes and hung up the phone, but when Ghostface called her back, he could hear the quiet vibration sounds of her phone ringing and ran into the library room to search for them. The masked attacker tripped on his costume robe and fell face first into a bookshelf, which caused the column of bookshelves to start falling like dominos towards Amber and Sam. The girls barely managed to dodge the falling bookshelves in time, and they ran out of the room into the upstairs kitchen. Sam quickly grabbed a big kitchen knife but before they could make it out of the kitchen they were stopped in their tracks when Ghostface stood at the doorway entry to the kitchen, with a pistol in their hand pointed at Amber.

"It's over. It's all over now." Ghostface taunted the two girls. "Now time for the big reveal..." He continued, then took off his Ghostface mask.

"Who the fuck are you?" a confused Sam Carpenter asked.

"Not this creep again," Amber groaned.

"... you know him?" Sam asked, looking at Amber still in confusion.

"Not really, I just kicked him out of the party earlier-" Amber replied, while rolling her eyes, but was interrupted mid sentence.

"Yes, it is me, Jason Carvey, and I'm gonna do a reboot of the first Stab movie!!!" the short man yelled at the girls.

"Reboots suck..." Amber fired back, her face full of disgust. As much as she realized she was in danger she couldn't help but feel repulsed at such a shitty idea for her favourite movie franchise.

"How is this even a movie? Like is someone filming this?" Sam asked the man with the gun. She didn't understand, was this like some kind of YouTuber prank "gone wrong"?

"Well.. no... but someone will make a movie about me like they did about Billy Loomis and Stu Macher! And then when people hear the name Jason in horror films they'll think of Jason Carvey instead of Jason Voorhees!" Jason said proudly. "Now prepare to die Amber," Jason continued, trying his best to sound menacing, "everyone knows that gays always die in horror movies. Or they rewrite first drafts of scripts to make them straight."

Amber breaks the fourth wall, looking right into your eyes, then winks at you.

As Jason held his gun up, pointing it at Amber, the two girls' minds raced trying to come up with a way they could defeat this dork. He stood only 5 feet away from the girls, who stood close to each other's side.

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