Day 2

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The sun rose and the campers felt safer. They all decided to stay in the girls cabin from now on, leaving Ezekiel to rot. It had been hours since they found him and now they were calmer. "We need to find ways to escape." Noah said, strategizing. "It had to have been an accident! Maybe he tripped and his head fell off?" Lindsay chirped and everyone just stared at her and she got embarrassed. "There's no way that was an accident dude..." Geoff said gloomily while holding Bridgette's hand. "I saw marker around his neck like someone was planning where to cut." Leshawna chimed in "His body was also falling apart when I picked it up. Like it was cut to pieces." Harold jumped and stood away from her. "You touched his body?" "Okay that's enough everyone." Gwen stated. "We're all worrying about someone already dead when Eva's been missing for hours!" A sad tone hang in the air as everyone was silent. "Are they picking us off one by one?" Sadie said while clinging to Katie. "If they are I hope I go first so you won't have to deal with it!" Katie cried. "No, I hope I go first! I'll make sure I do!" They were both crying now and they hugged tighter as they thought about all the possibilities. This inspired Izzy to go and find escape routes. "I'm gonna look for an escape route, whose with me?" Everyone immediately went to go with her so she wouldn't be alone. Besides, this girl was crazy and if there was a killer they definitely would not want to go face to face with her. The campers underestimated how long they spent strategizing because it was now evening, so they had to look fast as it would be dark soon. Lindsay trembled and Tyler saw this. "It's gonna be ok, we're gonna survive" he whispered to her as he flexed his muscles. She giggled and the sun set as the campers marched towards a a set of trees. "We should hide here while we wait for the sun" Cody suggested, clinging to Noah. "Agreed!" Izzy shouted as she climbed the tree and sat on a branch. Soon everyone was asleep. Courtney was in Duncan's arms, Harold was in Leshawna's, and Gwen slept next to Trent. Everyone woke up when they heard a scream louder than a bomb explosion. Lindsay was waving her hands around frantically, pointing at a tree. It was still dark, so everyone soon got scared because they couldn't see past the trunk. "SOMEONE WAS THERE AND HE WAS REACHING FOR HEATHER!" She screamed as Tyler tried to calm her down. "WHAT!" Heather shrieked as she jumped back in disbelief. Lindsay was now crying and she seemed so distraught that not even Heather could say she was lying. This seemed to really disturb Heather so she suggested they go back to the cabins to lock the door because it would be safer instead of laying out in the open. Noah had a watch on and checked it, reading the time 4am. It was now officially day 3.

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