Day 14

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The campers had gotten used to the food on the island and became accustomed to where everything was. They decided that they couldn't either all stay together or close by as the killer picked everyone off one by one. There was a portable bathroom that was used as a confessional that everyone used. Tyler and Duncan decided to lift it and bring it to where the cabins were so it would be safe. This made Beth confident when she decided to use the restroom for the first time in days. She had been too scared before but since this wasn't far she eagerly stepped in, ready to finally go to the bathroom. She wasn't met with a sink or toilet though, she was met with a man. She always smiled to comfort everyone and thought it would get her out of this and smiled at him nervously. This infuriated the killer as he didn't look how her smile looked with braces and he grabbed her ponytail and covered her mouth as he pulled her towards a boulder. She tried to run but he bashed her against the boulder until she stopped moving. To make his art more pretty, he took out her braces and threw them into a bush.
Courtney now needed to use the restroom and was pissed off Beth was taking so long so she went towards the confessional and saw her body nearby. She screamed and everyone ran towards her and inspected the body. It disturbed everyone that her braces were gone and she was smiling. Katie sobbed again as this reminded her of Sadie's death, she remembered how Beth comforted her after she was a mess and couldn't take it. She ran back to the cabin and Owen followed her so she wouldn't be alone. "Katie, I know everyone's dying, but it's gonna be okay. We're getting smarter and there's no possible way he'll take us on." She looked up at him. "Everyone is getting picked off one by one, we can't do everything together and if we sleep he might take one of us. We can't do anything whoever this is he's too smart for us. We're no match." This made Owen panicked as he forgot about how vulnerable they were sleeping and suggested that everyone were to lay with someone while asleep.

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