Day 23

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Everyone ignored Duncan for the most part, but they didn't want to be responsible for a death so they made sure not to leave him behind. That made the guilt he had even worse. Courtney still strayed away, only glancing at him a few times to make sure he wasn't doing anything. Nobody dared to go outside at night, and when it was daytime nobody split up. Izzy started to wonder about Eva, they got along well enough so she sort of missed her. "Guys, do you think Evas dead?" she asked. "No way, she's freakishly strong." Cody replied, shuddering thinking about Eva. "She would totally beat his ass."
Evas POV:
It's been a few days since I went to find my EarPods, and I still haven't found anyone. Well, anyone that's alive...I found Justin's body and saw Tyler's head peeking at me through the shed. I'm not dumb, I know there's a killer out here as none of these twinks would be strong enough to kill six pack and olympian over here. I've heard footsteps before, but when I lift my dumbbells to get ready and strike, they retreat. They must be scared, and that's good. I need to find the others before everyone dies so maybe I can scare the killer off.
Day 23:
"We've been walking forever!" Courtney whined. "Keep it down! I know it's not night yet but the sun is setting so still be careful." Trent warned. "I could pick you up if you want." Duncan suggested and Courtney shot him a dirty look. "No thanks." Geoff started laughing. "Dang dude not even your own girl likes you anymore." They stopped at a place that looked safe enough and started to build a fire. "Just light it already its cold!" Heather cried out but she suddenly went pale when a twig snapped. "Sh!" Everyone looked around, and that's when he struck. "Help me, someone please!" Gwen screamed and Trent took his guitar and threw it at the killer as everyone ran. He let go of her and held onto his knee as he watched everyone get away. The opportunity to catch one struck again when Harold tripped on a tree stump, and he was sure Harold would be his next victim. Surprisingly Bridgette went back and helped him up and as soon as he got up, he ran as fast as he could leaving Bridgette behind. She tried to catch up, but the killer was faster than her and grabbed her by the shoulder. The fire pit was right next to them and he threw her in and watched as she ran around trying to find the lake they passed to get the fire off of her. She screamed as her eyes melted and her skin turned from smooth to bloody. She eventually fell down and her body was still on fire after she was dead. The killer put it out by stomping on her back and throwing her body into the same lake Noah was in. The others ran as far as they could and Harold looked behind him to see if Bridgette was there and when he couldn't see her he started to cry. Gwen was distracted by this and tripped over leaves and she started to feel sick. Trent rushed back to her and pulled her along until they got back to the others. She tried to breathe but couldn't. "My-my medicine." She started and then she passed out. "We need to get her medicine!" Trent pleaded. "There's no way we can right now, it's dark and it's all the way across the island!" Courtney said. "I'll go, Bridgette's not here and I need to find her." Geoff said. "Someone needs to go with him or he's definitely gonna die!" Dj warned. "I'll go, I can't stand to see Gwen like this." Owen stated. "Hurry back, and if you don't come back soon enough we're gonna send out more people." Izzy said, looking at Owen. "Wish us luck then."Geoff replied, feeling nervous now that only him and Owen were going across the island in the middle of the night. "Good luck, cause you'll definitely need it." Duncan snorted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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