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Present Day

I held my hand up against the wind, staring out into the gorgeous landscape behind my base while hanging off a stray vine growing from the rocks.

"...Are you sure about this?" Mumbo called hesitantly from below me, shifting nervously on the edge of the platform and adjusting the tight, leather Elytra straps around his shoulders. I gave him a wry grin, unfolding my own wings and gliding down to him.

"I'm completely confident in your ability to make this thing finally work. Anyways, I'll be right alongside you in case things go downhill." I said. He snorted at my weak attempt at humor.

"Alright... on the count of three." he said nervously, crouching down into a running stance. I copied his position, colorful wings spread out wide behind me.

His new, mechanical Elytra unfolded behind him, its fans and various cooling systems booting up with a loud whirring sound.

He laughed nervously, starting the countdown.

"Three... two..."

And with that, my ADHD self just couldn't wait any longer, pulling on my goggles and taking a flying leap off the edge of the building.

"Wait up, dude!" Mumbo laughed, pulling his own goggles down and running forwards and throwing himself off the roof without hesitation after me.

"Holy shiiiiiii-!" he screamed, arms flailing. I laughed, soaring under him.

"Straighten out, man! I don't wanna have to explain Pancake Moustache to X!" I called. He nodded, and, with a determined look on his face, pulled up.

The wind caught the underside of his wings, quickly taking hold and straightening him out. He immediately started fiddling with a wrist attachment, checking the readings with a wild grin.

He whooped after a moment, raising his arms skywards.

"It works! It really, really works!" he cheered, laughing. I whooped as well, soaring after him.

"Bank left, towards Decked Out! Let's go show Pearl!" I cheered. He nodded, barely having to move to turn and glide after me.

We rose over Tango's Decked Out, which was under his absolutely massive Keep in the plains that he had turned into a winter wonderland. Tango himself, with his flaming blue hair and phoenix wings and dark robes, was carving something into the side of one of the tallest towers, stopping to look as we soared past. He gave an encouraging cheer as Mumbo clumsily glided between the other towers.

"You got this! It just takes some practice!" he yelled after us with a bright smile. I waved back.

"What's the EST of years before Decked Out's done?" I called back teasingly.

"At least another twenty, man!" Tango said, pretending to let himself fall. I laughed, waving goodbye before catching up with Mumbo.

He vaulted himself over a balcony rail as I watched, a massive, smug grin on his mustached face. I copied the movement, scaring the life out of Tango's wife.

"Sorry!" I called back to her, surpassing a grin. She shook her head with a smile.

"Tell that Mumbo to slow down before he gets himself killed!" she yelled as I passed.

After a moment, we glided above Pearl's alien forest, and under the shadow of the Mother Plant.

The Soup Valley took my breath away every time I saw it. From Impulse's Dwarven Keep, to Gem's gorgeous Elven Palace and giant, vivid cherry tree, to Pearl's insane transformation of an entire asteroid into a human bunker, and this little slice of an alien world... it was absolutely stunning every time.

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