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"I would like a word with our friend Grian." The Overlord said. Nafia shot me a nervous look. I gave her a quick smile, standing to leave. Even after a week here, and with all the kindness and even secrets he had shown us, she still hated him.

I, for one, was warming up to him, over the fact that he had been the first person in my life to not spoon feed me complete lies. He had been completely honest with me the whole time.

He lead me out onto the balcony, overlooking a frozen little mining village below. Massive polar bear-like people worked tirelessly below in the frozen mountains of North Karnvas as a blizzard brewed on the horizon. Even now, the stormfront whipped at my clothes and bit at my skin with frozen teeth.

"Here." The Overlord grunted, draping a big, black reindeer hide coat around my shoulders. I gave him a nod of thanks, tightening the straps around my shoulders.

"You still haven't told me where you are from, Grian." he said. I closed my eyes, trying to banish the memory of Hermitcraft from my mind.

"It doesn't matter. All they did was lie to me. Even my own sisters." I said, unable to keep the bitterness from my voice. He laid a heavy hand on my shoulder.

"I promise you, I will NEVER let that happen to you here." he promised. I nodded, regarding the pendant around his neck. A detailing of the Three Rivers Palace with a god-like figure descending on it in a halo of light.

"What's the meaning behind that?" I found myself asking. He automatically picked it up, helmet and mask as ever unmoved as ever.

"It depicts the final days. When The Gods come down to our level, to strike down evil and deliver us all and bring us to our ultimate forms. Our ultimate, immortal destiny's." he said, spreading his arms wide to elaborate his land,

"My mortal destiny was to free Karnvas, it's people, and even the wild Severnyy in the south, and unite us all into a holy crusade to tear evil from power so The Gods may return to a pure universe." he said, a note of pride in his voice.

"I'm not sure I believe in any Gods. Or anything anymore, really." I said. He looked down at me.

"You're a good kid. Even an old soldier-politician like me can see that. I would hate to see you swayed to the side of evil. You and Nafia both." he said, leaning against the cold stone railing before continuing, "The way I see it, you have two choices now. You can head back home. Back to the life you used to know, where it's safe and familiar. Or you can fight." The Overlord said. He reached into his fur coat, pulling a long, black, sheathed dagger. He extended it out to me.

"I won't sugarcoat it: If you take this, your life will never be the same. It'll be hard and painful. Long hours huddled in the mud and blood, praying you and those you love can see another sunrise. But it will all be worth it when you're standing on top of the mountain, blade raised in absolute victory. Then you'll be able to sleep again, knowing you saved countless lives and gave them all freedom." he said. My hand hesitated over the handle of the blade.

"Will it be worth it?" I asked, voice shaking slightly. He nodded.

"Every day. Every sunrise, every smile from those who look up to you, and even the hardships make it worth it." he said firmly.

I sucked in a deep breath.

And took it.

.  .  .

I blocked her blow with my arm, stumbling to the side by the sheer force of it.

"Don't give up ANY ground!" she barked, spinning around and kicking me in the chest. The air rushed from my lungs as I went flying back, skidding across the gravel of the training grounds. Long gashes of pain erupted on my back and wings.

Fall of Hermitcraft Where stories live. Discover now