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"Here's the plan. Zara'll go get all of our stuff. BigB and Karn will find the ship. And Ivan and I will cause some chaos. Any objections?" I said as we walked down the hall to the lunch hall. They all just nodded.

"Good. Go." I said. Zara completely vanished again as Karn and B split off.

I leaned on a guards shoulder as we walked in. He looked at me in confusion, turning a little red.

"'Sup." I said, head butting him in the face. He shouted in surprise, dropping his gun. I slid down and grabbed it before it hit the ground, tripping him in the process. Before he could even react, I shot him twice in the gut and then the head.

The entire lunch hall erupted into pandemonium, prisoners rushing guards.

"That was easy." Ivan muttered as we hurried along.

He suddenly shoved me out of the way, ducking under a massive hammer, which had glowing veins of electricity just below. An absolute brute of a guard wielded it.

The dude swung again, and this time Ivan lunged forwards, ducking to the side. The guard tried to hit him with the sharped hilt. Ivan grabbed onto it, yanking it away.

He roared, swinging his entire body around and slamming it into the guards head in an explosion of gore.

"Oh ho ho, I'm keeping this." he chuckled darkly, swinging and knocking another pair of guards off their feet.

"Good for you. Let's go!" I yelled, dragging him along after pulling the keycard from his belt.

We rushed for the hangar, killing any guard or prisoner that tried to stop us.

Karn and BigB were already there, trying to get through the door.

"It's locked!" B yelled. I held up the keycard, smirking.

"Need this?" I said, flipping it to him. He gave me a quick grin, turning around just as Ivan swung his hammer and sent the door off it's hinges.

"That works too." Karn admitted weakly.

"What are you all just standing around for? Quit your babbling and let's go!" Zara's voice barked behind us. She rushed past, grabbing Karn's arm to pull him along as she did.

Only one ship sat in the middle of the dock, a smaller, red and black cargo ship with the landing bay down. A couple of workers were unloading cargo, and the captain of the ship overseeing.

I fired off two rounds in the air, making them jump.

"Listen up, bitches! We're taking control of the ship. Hand over the keys and no one gets hurt. Got it?" I yelled. With shaky hands, the captain pulled the keys from his pocket and threw them to me. I nodded as we rushed up the ramp.

I tossed the keys to B. He grabbed them from the air, running for the cockpit.

"Moon!" a voice behind us roared just before I closed the bay doors. The prison Captain.

I slowly turned, shooting him a smug grin.

"See ya." I said, pulling the lever.

"There's no corner in this Galaxy that I won't find you, you hear me?! I coming for you!" he screeched just as the doors closed.

I sucked in a deep breath, heart throbbing, as I sunk to the floor.

We were free.

And then, poking out of the bags that Zara had dumped on the floor, I saw the notification on my wrist cuff from Xisuma.

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