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I step out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist and walking towards the foggy mirror. I brush my teeth and put my clothes on leaving the bathroom and closing the big door behind me hearing a noise as it clicks shut. I walk over to my bed turning the TV on seeing the news pop up. Normally I would skip the news, but something caught my eye. A photo of two bodies being carried to an ambulance. The place looks oddly familiar.  "Two more bodies were found 588 Lakeview Drive" I stop in my tracks realizing that's only four houses down from mine. I shake it off as I walk to the bathroom to grab my phone.

I go to grab the doorknob but stop as I hear a creak from behind me. My breath stops as I slowly start to turn around. Before I could see who it was a hand covers my mouth and pushes me onto my bed. A masked man hovers above me staring into my eyes. My eyes trail down his body and to his side which has a knife in it.  If this is the moment I die I at least want to see the man that's going to kill me. I quicky pull my hands up and remove his mask revealing a very pretty boy. My hands run through his fluffy hair and down his soft face forgetting that I'm a victim. I snap out of it and drop my hands. "No don't stop I've never been touched like this before" he looks deep into my eyes almost as if he's sorry but not sure why.

"Please don't hurt me" I say still underneath this fine man. He stares at me with a blank expression "I have to" "No you don't" I start to panic but try my best to control it. "You know who I am, I can't have you running off to the police" His grip on my waist gets tighter. "I promise I won't tell anyone. I'll never say a word just please don't hurt me" I get cut off by police sirens driving by. his hand rushes up to my mouth once again covering it. Once the police sirens are far away, he loosens the hand covering my mouth. He stands up next to me leaving me on the bed with tears filling my eyes. "What'd you do to the other victims?" I say in between breaths. "You don't wanna know" His voice goes cold. I shake my head slightly in hopes that this is just a nightmare and I'm going to wake up soon. 

His hand drops to his side as he grazes his knife. "Please don't do this. I can help you." I beg. "Help me? I don't need your help. A little girl like you couldn't handle doing this shit anyway" He scoffs. "You have no idea how far I can go" I look him dead in the eye. 

ever since I was a little girl, I've always been fascinated with the thought killing. I've always been turned on by murderers. I never knew why though. I never told anyone this because I was scared of being called crazy. or weird. 

His eyes widen a bit. How could such a beautiful boy be such a bad person? I stand up and look up at him "Please" I whisper choking back tears. His hand lets go of the knife as it falls back into its holder. "You have no Idea what you just got yourself into." He warns me.

Hey yall. So, I know this is kind of weird so far and you might be wondering why on earth she would be in love with him and why she said she would help him, but it all makes scene in the end I promise. Please leave a comments or heart or follow PLEASE!

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