My turn

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I wake up to my room being dark. I look down to see Blakes arm wrapped around my waist. I look at the clock, it's 5:30. I normally dent wake up till six but it's fine. I need to shower. I try to sit up but Blake pulls me back down. "Baby i gotta take a shower and get ready" I protest. "Do it later" He pull my body into his. I feel his lips on my neck. I giggle "That tickles" I squirm. He kisses more. His lips are soft and warm leaving tingles all over my body. "shh" He shushes me. "Blake I need to get up" I sound more serious than I wanted to. He sits up and looks at me "The sun isn't even up" Hes squinting.

"I need to get ready." I give him a look saying 'not joking'

He rolls his eyes "Fine" He says in his sleepy voice. I lean down and kiss his lips. He kisses back before I pull away and stand up walking to the shower.

i finish my shower in 20 minutes. Opening the door I see Blake sitting up in my bed on his phone completely dressed. Im guessing he saw the confused look on my face because he says "I ran home and got ready." "oh" I say. Still with a towel around my body I walk to my wardrobe.

I pull out a short sleeve black top and jeans. I drop the towel and pull the close onto my body. "i can feel you staring" I say to Blake. "Sorry" He chokes out making me laugh. "We gotta leave in 30" I glance over at the clock. "Yes, ma'am" Blake jumps up from the bed, walking behind me. "What are you doing?" I giggle as he buries his head in the crook of my neck. "Nothing" his voice is mumbled.

Shivers run down my spine as he kisses my neck. His arms wrap around my waist spinning me so I face him. He kisses me lightly on the lips that I think I might've imagined it. "Come on" I pull away and grab my bag. He follows like a puppy.

"I'm scared to go back" I say sitting in his car that's parked in front of the school. "Don't be, love. You'll do just fine. If you need something or you want to leave just text me okay?" He assured me. "Okay" I nod and open the door

I part ways with Blake going to first period. "TESS!!" Layla runs up to me. "Hey!" I hug her tightly before letting her go. "How was the trip?" She asks as she walks into first with me. "It was fine" I say. "Where'd you guys go?" "Uh- Brazil" I stutter trying to find an excuse. "Uh huh. For only three days? And two of them you spent flying there?" Is she interrogating me? "Yes well my mom has work and she just wanted to get away for a bit" I smile. "That's weird.." she leans closer. "What- why?" I pull away not breaking eye contact. "Because. I saw your mom on the second day of your three day trip. You missed like a whole few weeks of school after that. What's going on?" Fuck she's good. "The flight was delayed. We went about a week ago. Mom's been so stressed with work that I've been staying home with her to keep her company" I look away.

"Oh. Okay!" She turns forward. I don't even know if that lie made sense but she bought it.
Lunch came around rather quickly but still not quick enough. "Tess" I head Blake say from behind me. I turn around and smile. "How was it so far?" He brings me in for a kiss. "Yeah it was fine I guess. Nothing new" I decided not to bring up what Layla was saying because it's not a big deal. "You?" I ask. "Yeah it was fine" he smiles.
"Hey I have a question" I pull him to the side
"What's up?"
"What did you do with Dave?" Not knowing has been bothering me for a while.
"Don't worry about it. All you need to know is that it's handled."
"But how is it handled? You can't just leave his dead body somewhere, and you can't leave him in the basement" I say through gritted teeth.
"Fine. He's still alive. In the basement"
"I thought you killed him." I lift my head up more to look him in the eyes.
"I know. I was going to." He stops.
"But?" I continue for him.
"But I didn't know if you wanted to be the one to do it" he moves closer so no one hears.
"Oh" I stay put.
"I wanna see him"


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