Be ware

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The whole way home I new the girls where following me and Blake but I didn't want to say anything. Blake drops me off at my house and I go inside to see my mom sitting on the couch. "Did you hear what happen to that girl at your school" she asks horrified "yeah I did. It's really sad" I say. "I'm worried about you going back there Tessa" she says. "It's fine ma" I give her a reassuring smile and walk up to my room.

I look out my window to see if the girls followed me to my house but I didn't see anyone. It must be fine. I sit on my bed and start doing my math homework "ugh this is so stupid" I say throwing down my pencil.

My mom knocks on my door "Tess there's people here to see you" I jump up and walk down stairs to see no other than the group of girls. "I knew you guys followed me home" I say walking up to them. "I'm gonna go get groceries. Text me if you need anything " my mom grabs her keys and leaves " we'll yeah we did but we have the right to!" The blond girl says eyeing me up and down. "What right? What's I do you creeps?" I ask. "We'll not only did you steal Maddie's boyfriend, but you hated Maddie. How do we know your not the killer?" They ask me trying to be confident but just looking so stupid. "Yeah because I went to her house and slit her throat for no reason. Shut the hell up" I say sarcastically. " well- I-" She stutters not knowing what to say. "Well- I- exactly I didn't do shit now get the fuck out of my house bitch" I mock her.

"You don't wanna mess with us" the red head says. "Or what?" I say. "Trust me when I say my boyfriend is crazy and he will do anything I want to you" she smirks. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah" she says. "Then make your crazy boyfriend do something to me. He's a pussy he won't do shit" I say pushing the girl out of my door. "Oh you'll see" she says as I shut the door on the girls and walk up to my room.

"What idiots" I giggle. I decide to text Blake and tell him what's going on because I'm bored...

"Hey Blake." -Tessa
"Hey Tess, what's up?" -Blake
"You know those three girls that where friends with Maddie?"-Tessa
"Yeah what about them"-Blake
"They fucking followed me home and threaten me that there boyfriends are gonna do shit to me. There actually idiots and have no brains"- Tessa
"They really don't though lol. If something happens let me know" -Blake

Right as I set my phone down I get a knock at my door again. I run down stairs not expecting anyone.
I open the door to see three masked men. "Oh so you must be the boyfriends huh" I look at them in disgust. "Didn't your mommy every teach you not to mess with people?" On of the guys in a ski mask asks. "Yeah but why wouldn't I mess with someone who has the brains of a gold fish?" I ask looking genuinely confused. The three men walk inside my house making me back up. " get out your psycho" I say walking backward.

The guy in the back come forward and toward over me. "Now why would I do that?" He questions. I don't respond though as I'm to nervous. He pulls out a knife putting it to my throat. "Should I slit your throat just like Maddie?" He asks. I furrow my brows as panic sets in. "Let me go!" I yell trying to get loose but his grip is to strong and one wrong move and I'll slice my own throat. "No" he says pushing the knife farther into my neck drawing blood. One of the guys starts to panic "nah man I can't go to jail". "Shut up" another says. I start to choke as he takes the knife away from my throat and stares into my eyes before stabbing me in my stomach.

"Come on" he says to the other guys as they all leave and shut the door. I'm laying on the floor bleeding out and my phones upstairs. I try to stand up but fail. I crawl up the stairs trying to not black out and grab my phone off my bed. I start to cough a lot and the pain is getting worse. I call Blake as fast as I can and he picks up on the second ring.
"Tessa you okay?" He asks
I try my best to answer but I can barely speak "help" I say in between gasps. "On my way, stay on the phone with me"

Blake's POV
I rush over to her house and barge through the door. I see blood on the floor and follow it up the stairs. "Shit" I hang up the phone and run up ti her bedroom to see her laying on the floor. "Tessa what happened" I fall to the floor picking her up in my arms. She doesn't answer though. " I stand up and hold her putting her arms around my neck. "Come on Tess" I say. She slightly looks at me as I rush her to the hospital "Help me please she's been stabbed" I say to the doctor "okay we'll take her" the doc says taking Tessa.

After a little while I got called into up to the counter. "Blake right?" She asks. "Yeah is Tessa okay?" I ask in a hurry. "She's fine but it might take a few weeks to fully heal and she'll be awake soon" she says making me sigh in relief. "Can I go see her?" I ask. "Right this way" the doc leads me to her room to be alone with Tessa. I walk in to see her peacefully sleeping in her gown. I take a seat next to her and wait for her to wake up.


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