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                                 Tessa POV
I step out of the shower and grab my towel wrapping it around my body. I put on my pajamas on and brush my tangled hair before walking back out of the bathroom. It's getting dark "Finally you took forever" Blake says making me roll my eyes "suck it up" I laugh. I walk over to the bed and sit down against my headboard as Blake sits up to look at me. I give him a confused look before he kissed me. His soft lips lay against mine and his hand slithers up my waist to my neck. I give in fast kissing him back. He pulls away softly and kisses me again. My hands glide over his chest as he pulls me on top of him kissing me harder. "You just can't get enough can you" I pull away. "Never" he pulls me on top of him so I'm straddling his lap. His slips my shirt up and I slip his off leaving him in jeans and me in sweats. As he goes to unclip my bra when there's a loud bang on the door making me jump up. Blake grand my hips and lifts me off him before tossing me my shirt. "Expecting someone?" He asks. "No" I say a bit shakily. "Okay I'll be right back stay here" he walks to my door unlocking it and walking down the hall. Obviously I wasn't gonna stay up there so I follow behind him.

He looks through the window and I see my ex. What the hell is he doing here? "Is that him" Blake says still looking at him. "Yeah" I almost whisper. Blake gets up and opens the door "the fuck do you want?" He asks boldly. "I want my girl. Who the fuck are you" Dave (my "ex" that I never dated) "I'm her boyfriend dick head. Get the hell out of here" Blake walks closer making Dave step back. "Nah I wanna see my girl" "nah" Blake says before punching him in his face. Dave stumbles back almost falling but catches himself. He throws himself at Blake but Blake dogged him and Dave goes flying into my house.
I run up to Blake begging him to stop before it gets messy. pushing Blake towards the wall a bit to be between them both. "Dave what do you want from me?" I ask panting out of breath. "You know what I want" he starts to step closer "Your not getting her" Blake says. "Give me a chance baby. I can show you a good time" Dave winks at me.

I look between the guy and Tessa. "Give me a chance baby. I can show you a good time" he winks at her. The thought of his hands on her makes me want to kill him right now. "If you don't get the fuck out I'll kill you" I warn. He laughs. He thinks I'm kidding. "Yeah okay man. Don't be mad that she don't want you anymore" he says making me laugh. I grab Tessa's waist to move her to the side of me. "You think I'm joking?" I almost laugh. He stutters "y-no"
He steps back again. I pull out a knife from my jeans pocket and flick it open showing the shiny metal."Nah man you're crazy I'm leaving okay" he says before giving a weird look to Tess. He runs out the door.
"You okay hermosa?" He asks. I nod my head not being able to speak. "Are you gonna kill him?" I ask. "Do you want me to?" He turns to look at me fully. I shake my head no. "I won't right now then. But if he does so much as look at you I'm killing him." He says with no regret. "Okay" I walk up to him and kiss him soft lips.

Theres a knock on the door. I look out the window to see flashing lights.......... 

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