December 9-January 16: A New Freezing Beginning

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December 9

Not sure what I'll be using this journal for, but my name is Sherman Zanders (dumb name I know) and I have a profession I think some people may kill for, being a driver of a Diesel engine on the NorthWestern Railway called BoCo. I work alongside Cody Banks, who's actually a good chap like most of the other engine drivers and fireman of the other engines, like Thomas, Edward, Henry, and the many other engines on the railway.

2002's been a good year for the island, like most of the others, less accidents than normal, and not so much banter about other events, especially with Bill and Ben, who've consistently been doing better with Derek and Fergus now both working alongside them. Edward and Salty are pretty much the same.

However, there's one thing on everyone's mind, the snow that's coming along in a few days, so all the engines have had to work harder than ever before this year. Hell, even Rosie came by and she and her crew were surprised the 7 of us and Cranky could handle such a big workload compared to what was going down at Knapford Harbor.

So yeah, nothings going on, even with my girlfriend Tracy, figure I'll save this for when actual events are going on in the future.


January 4

Christmas has come and gone, and so has New Year's, and there was a big party, but boy do I miss the even bigger 2000 New Years celebration. The snow's not going away either though, and it won't for the next few months, but that's not all.

Recently, James had been temporarily reassigned to do a few goods train runs for some new place at Cronk for the past few days. As far as most of us know, it's just like all the other factories around Cronk as well as the rest of the island. But yesterday, Murdoch took a train there as well where he had an encounter with James. And to say the least, it was more than unpleasant, according to him when he came by this afternoon. I know the red engine can very much be a huge prick at some times, but more often than not he still has a sliver of common sense somewhere in that smoke box of his, it's only how big that sliver is that matters though.

I'll update this again if anything else happens


January 16

Holy shit, this island's gone to hell.

To be clear, we're alright and hiding at Brendam with a few other engines. Now, I'll try to write down and summarize what happened a few minutes ago.

We were tasked with taking a train down to Brendam from Crosby, and while we were waiting for the guard, we heard a loud explosion in the distance as well as sirens going off. We also saw Gordon rush by a few minutes later, yelling for us to run. We did as he said, rushing out of there as fast as we could. All of us were petrified with fear, and so were the trucks, bumping BoCo to make him go faster.

We eventually made it through Henry's Forest, where we heard screams of agony coming from Wellsworth. And as we came through, we saw all the people screaming in agony, and Neville, oh god Neville. The skin on the poor engine's face was melting and boiling as he was screaming in agony, and I think some of it was almost turning icy blue. We were horrified by the poor engine's fate and continued out of there, not planning on slowing down whatsoever the second we got switched onto the Brendam Bay Branchline

While going down the line, we passed by Trevor, who was being shut inside his shed by Jem Cole, and Henry, who was too busy with going the other way down the branch line that he didn't say anything to us. Finally, we got under shelter to protect us from the chills in the air, and there was also Salty, Bill, and Ben.

I'll update this tomorrow as I'm exhausted and I'll need the energy to get through whatever's gotten fucked up that's caused all of this.

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