January 22: Newfound Stories

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Everyone's currently at a bit of a crossroad on deciding what to do now, but at least we've heard a lot of good things since the last update.

First off, Stanley was actually feeling somewhat better, and we tried to ask him more to see if anything was indeed a bit better. He seemed a bit more sane, and he gave us an answer of sorts: "I hear something in my...I don't know why but...it's tormenting me, wanting me to feed it."

The response wasn't comforting, and we soon called in to check on the others away from here. Edward reported hearing D261 passing by late last night. We checked on Henry, turned out he and Douglas had been cornered by spiders and almost died when they attacked. They had hid by Elsbridge when they heard something from the shed where Thomas was. They said nothing but afterwards they explained to us that they heard chuffing and puffing away from Elsbridge.

There was a lot on our plate, so all the engines decided to go down to where Henry and Douglas hid, and we agreed and set off. It didn't take long for us to reach them, and they were all fine. We figured to then head off to Wellsworth and then try and see if we can get off the island. That was the plan, until we heard static from the radio, and we heard some guy named Franklin on the other end, an engineer at the works near Crovan's Gate, asking if anyone was out there. We let him know we were fine, and he let out a sigh of relief before giving us a rundown of what had occurred on the narrow gauge railway.

First off, a lot of the people and several engines along the line hadn't made it, including Skarloey, Rheneas, Sir Handel...the only ones he said he knew were alive were Duncan and Duke, and the only other potential survivors were Peter Sam and Rusty. The rest were too far mutated or killed in some way. He hoped someone would come by soon for rescue, and we promised it hopefully wouldn't be too too long before we'd be able to come by.

We then set off for Wellsworth with Gordon, Henry, and BoCo in the front. Everything was now colder and it felt like we were in hell. I'd be lying to myself if I wasn't relieved when we approached the sheds at the station and saw Edward, smiling happily as he saw us. We all decided to go down to Brendam, and boy did it feel good to see the others all alive again.

The engines all chatted with one another while I went over to rest in a workman's hut. I figured to take a nap and it felt good when I awoke, albeit slightly. Some of the other surviving workman came over to me and told me we needed to figure out a plan for what to do for now. We'd manage to somewhat fill up on supplies, but everyone figured we couldn't stay here forever, I mean that was obvious. Some guys are wondering why the military hasn't come to help yet, while others think they're the cause behind all of this.

Stanley overheard and he told us it was something else. Something dark and hungry. It wouldn't rest...ever, not at least considering it's found a new host. It scares me to my core that something otherworldly is behind all of this, but at the time we couldn't really elaborate furthur, as we heard sounds of a diesel coming down the line.

Gordon and Henry went closer to investigate, only to come back being followed by Diesel 10, the most feared engine on the island. Everyone skeptically looked at him and were anxious about him being there, but he looked as though he showed remorseful. He explained he'd been at the Ironworks when you know what happened, and hid for some time alongside Arry and Bert until some guys came along. They killed Arry and Bert before 10 managed to get away miraculously.

I'm getting tired and everyone's still talking about what to do, and I figure I should be able to catch up in the morning before anything happens.

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