January 17: Brendam Bay News

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It's now the next morning, and there's a few things I should fill in on. For one, Edward showed up a few hours after I went to bed with a passenger train he had to take for Stanley, who had broken down at Elsbridge and left in the shed. The old engine then made his way down here in the night after taking refuge inside the Crosby Tunnel, where Henry found him and said he'd try going along the Little Western and then to Knapford, but he hasn't heard from him since. However, while passing through Henry's Forest, he could've sworn he heard or saw an engine in there, but Samantha told him stress may be messing with him mentally.

Salty also let us know Fergus had been killed by a rockslide shortly after the explosion. Derek had also been horrifically mutated and he had been put out of his misery, much to the sadness of Bill and Ben. Cranky's also somehow alright out there, god knows how.

We've also theorized that the facility exploding released some kinds of chemicals into the atmosphere and that's what mutated everything on the island. God knows whether or not there are other survivors. We're most worried about Bear and Trevor though.

Outside of that, there's a total of 61 of us here, excluding the engines, and we plan to go up to Wellsworth to see if anyone else made it out alive. BoCo and Salty will be up front with supplies and Edward will carry some of the few  passengers we have while Bill and Ben will stay behind and take care of Brendam Bay and make it a base for now.

Hope this goes well. I'll update this log later once we find any other survivors.

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