January 20-21: More Friends and Foes

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Now we have even more shit to worry about now, great. Not long after I woke up yesterday, there were plans for Duck to go off to the little western and meet us back here either later that night or tomorrow. He also took Toad, despite Oliver's initial protests, he'd been out of coal which I forgot to mention and we didn't have much to give to him, so it could only be Duck that went.

We all hoped he'd be back soon, now I regret how we hadn't gotten walkie-talkies prior to coming here, since though the colds gotten better, we still needed a way to keep in touch, especially with that thing stalking around the island. We checked in on those at Wellsworth and Brendam, luckily everyone was fine outside of a close call with that thing that looked like James passing through Wellsworth as well as some other engines a short time later, though no-one could reliably tell who it was and so some of us decided to not worry about it for some time. All was fine until early in the morning, when we heard the horn and a whistle of two engines I didn't quite recognize until they showed up, Stanley and a big green diesel engine Gordon said was known as D261.

The former of the two seemed rather unstable, and I mean mentally overall, if only we recognized that as a sign. We tried asking them what they had gone through, but they just kept telling us one thing. That the god controlling him, wants control and blood only. The engines and the rest of us were disturbed as they kept rambling.

Moments later though, some of the workmen came out of their cabs and pointed guns at all of us. Some of us tried to talk it out, but most who did were shot. After that, they tried lining us up to be taken to "him." Those who were left began saying and thinking we were all screwed, and I would be lying if I wasn't almost one of them.

Just then, we heard a shrill whistle from up the line before they some trucks came barreling down the line and crashing into Stanley who had been across the line the trucks were on. BoCo took his chance and shoved into D261 since he was the furthest back. Unfortunately, he'd only been bumped and not actually come off the rails, and he'd soon speed off and out of Knapford as a whole.

Moments later, we heard puffing and a horn come from up ahead, and it was none other than Percy and Mavis, who were happy to see other survivors. They said to come and meet the other engines at Tidmouth Sheds, where it wasn't just them. We also took Stanley with us, mostly to figure out what was going on, but also to potentially try and help him. It wouldn't take long, luckily, before we got there.

Once we arrived, we saw Whiff as well as Annie, Clarabel, and Henrietta among the decently sized group of survivors. After we shut off Stanley's steam, we put him in the shed, leaving just enough room for basically everyone to fit in the sheds.

We asked what had happened, and everyone was rather hesitant about it at first, but they soon opened up. Apparently, they all had been on Ffarquar the day this all started. Whiff was there to fill in for Percy while Thomas also had to take a few trains from Knapford to Cronk. Toby had also been there, but was doing the normal jobs along the branchline as per usual.

Then the explosion went off, and everyone decided to get back to the sheds at Ffarquar. Toby and Henrietta would make it inside with Whiff and Percy. Thankfully, it wouldn't be long before the next morning when everyone would finally get their bearings and head to the quarry, where it hadn't been hit quite as hard as the rest of the branch. After clearing through much of the destroyed yards, they would stumble upon Mavis, who was mostly alright with a couple workmen.

Soon after, they would make it back to the station and try to work out a plan of how to go about exploring the island and finding others. This would continue until late on the 19th, where they heard a whistle right as they were preparing to send out Whiff and Toby to find others. They initially thought it was someone who'd come down the line, but soon heard roars and growls and so figured to head back down the line once more.

However, even after meeting up with Percy and Mavis back at the sheds, the same engine trudged down the line and had entered Ffarquar before many knew it. It attacked some of the people that were left before Toby said to Percy that he had to take care of the coaches if he didn't make it. Toby would rush forward with his crew who fired shots at the thing as it destroyed the station. The other engines did their best to get people and get out of there while Toby and his crew were on the offensive with that thing. Luckily for them, they managed to get all the way down and hid within Tidmouth sheds where they saw Emily's mutated corpse, which they moved the next morning.

With difficulty, we told them about Thomas, and none of them took it all that well. However, Mavis would perk up saying that they saw Duck pass by last night on his way to the little western, telling them about us at Knapford before he went on. The crews discussed and came to the agreement of them going to check things out early in the next morning, and thank god they did.

Next, we decided to head down the little western to find Duck and anyone else, bringing along Gordon and Whiff. Everything was alright going down the mainline until we turned off on the little western and Tidmouth Hault came into view, and boy was it messed up overall. Lots of blood and damage overall, let's just say.

But up ahead, we saw some engines and we were hesitant at first thinking it was the thing. I can't even begin to describe the relief we had when we saw Henry coupled to Toad and the Scottish Twins, who...were messed up and mutated. Douglas couldn't speak well without causing pain, so we looked to Henry and Donald.

Henry said he'd been coming up from Brendam when he passed us after the explosion went off. He ran into the tunnel and stayed put until Edward came along. Like Edward said, he went down the Little Western, where he was found by Donald and Douglas, both mutated from the chemicals that got into the atmosphere. Henry was initially freaked out, but he'd stay with the twins after everything calmed down. Henry's crew and some of the others near Callan who survived went and look for supplies, but the next morning, only 5 of the 11 people who went came back, saying that some spider-like creatures attacked them.

Late last night, however, Duck and Toad had arrived, and all was well with them planning on heading back to the harbor the next day. However, several hours earlier, the spider-like ice beasts came along and attacked, though most of the others were luckily prepared. Unfortunately, Duck's crew Marc and Linus panicked while trying to start Duck up when it all happened. It wasn't too much longer that Duck began leaking steam and screaming from the pain. Everyone ran and got out of the way, all except Toad, Marc, and Linus before the pannier 5700 blew up in a fiery inferno, taking his crew with him. At least the heat from the explosion scared away most of those spiders. Somehow Toad suffered little damage, but that's nothing to complain about. After mourning the loss, they trudged down the line and met up with us.

We went back to Tidmouth, with the exceptions of Henry and Douglas, as we figured it was for the best that he took the Scottish twin back to Brendam like we did with Rosie and Molly. Once at the sheds, Oliver and Percy asked about Duck, and neither took it well when we told him about it. At least Stanley hasn't said or done anything bad in the meantime.

So that's it for now, we gotta worry about that thing, mutations, spiders, and savage survivors giving up people to feed to those beasts. I'll update tomorrow if anything goes on.

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