January 19: First Encounter

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Ok, I think everyone's calmed down by now. And calm is the optimal word here after almost dying.

We decided to head down the line in search of more supplies and leave behind Edward and take Jinty along with us. BoCo was the biggest and toughest out of the three, so he was up front with a flatbed. Afterwards, we set off onto the mainline.

While passing through Henry's forest, Jinty called out "There's someone over there!" BoCo asked what he meant, and after Jinty made us look over, we noticed a tank engine almost on their side after crashing into some flatbeds of wood and logs. I was one of the few that ran for a closer look, and we noticed they had gotten a few vans of food. Thank goodness that didn't take long. But we soon focused back on the engine.

Blood covered their face and it smelt bad, and we almost thought Sodor's only American engine died on impact, since the same thing happened to her crew. But just before we left, we heard harsh breathing coming from the engine, and we realized Rosie was alive. The rest of us raced to her aid to try getting the dried blood off of her face, which was coming from a big scar on her forehead. Meanwhile, Jinty ran to Wellsworth and back and grab Edward so he could help get the trucks out of the way.

Luckily, it didn't take long for Rosie to become conscious again. So we asked her all we could before we could get her to Brendam. As the explosion had gone off, Rosie was at Tidmouth and, long story short, getting the mail train for Percy. She and her crew booked it for Elsbridge, where she found Thomas and Stanley. But later that night, the group heard someone outside the shed, and opened it up to see a tender engine outside. It then emitted a loud roar before slamming into and attacking Thomas. Stanley and Rosie both booked it, but eventually, they came to Henry's Forest, where Rosie swerved into the flatbeds while Stanley kept going.

We tried asking her about the tender engine, and she said it was surrounded by some blue mist and rather small compared to engines like Gordon or Henry. But I suppose almost everyone we find's gotta have gotten amnesia. At least it didn't take long for us to rerail her before Edward reversed down the line to get Rosie to Brendam.

Just then, we heard the sounds of an engine nearby and we figured it was another survivor, oh god how wrong we were.

As soon as they saw us, some kind of tendril latched onto the truck that BoCo had in front of him. In a panic, we shot forward as the thing began chasing us down the line. But as soon as we got off of the viaduct, I remember a tendril latching onto Salty, only for Cody to look back and somehow shoot it clean off. We speed up and went faster, and we eventually reached Crosby, or we swerved into the yard where we would've crashed into the barber shop had some trucks not been there. Bad news, they derailed BoCo, meaning we were stuck.

I looked over at Cody the second we heard that thing getting closer, and I pulled out a nearby lighter and hammer while he grabbed his gun before we put together a quick plan. The two of us leaped out of BoCo's cab and watched as some of the men with us were being picked up and torn apart with those damn tendrils. Cody went over to save some of them and distract the thing, while I ran over to one of the fuel tankers nearby, god I thank whoever left these here. I smashed them open with the hammer as fast as I could before running a bit away and throwing the lighter at the leaking fuel.

Then, oh god, I didn't mean for the explosion to be that big or loud, but it seemed to have scared the thing off before it raced off towards Elsbridge. I met back up with Cody and the engines, and thank god they were all fine physically, BoCo just had a bloody scar from the crash. However, he, Salty, and Jinty were scared as all hell.

Anyways, we only had 9 people, including us and excluding the engines, come along, and now there's only me, Cody, two guys named Ethan and Hunter, the latter of whom was Salty's driver, and a woman named Marilyn. The thing also killed Curtis, who was the radio operator, so we can't call for help, and it's too cold out there to quickly go back for help, so we're stuck here until someone comes along,

We had to leave the engines where they were and take cover in the station where Liz, the stationmaster, was hiding out. That makes six of us. I suppose we'll just have to wait until tomorrow, I hope they're all ok out there. But god damn that was too close.

Sodor's Atomic Freeze: UnOffical RemasterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon