Camp Half-blood

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The hellhounds went for the dracenas and i was 3 on one for each hellhound. They were all very occupied by the dracenas and the minotaur turned to look at Elizabeth.

"What's wrong? Lost your herd? Cow"


Then the Minotaur lunged. Elizabeth dodged an attack and blocked several blows from the minotaur. She turned her sword into a bow and shot an arrow , made of celestial iron at the beast. It caught it right in the middle of the eyes and it exploded into golden dust.

She noticed that some of the hellhound were being hurt and some were on the ground. Her fury grew she walked right into the battle and took her sword and swiped at the dracenas. This got their attention. All of the dracenas looked at her. Elizabeth prayed silently to her mother(Nyx) that she could heal the hellhounds cause its night right now. Then she turned her attention to the dracenas. They lunged at her she dodged and with one clean swipe destroyed 20 of them. The rest of the dracenas hissed and lunged again. But this time most of the hellhounds were healed and they all leaped towards the dracenas taking down another twenty, and Elizabeth took down the remaining 20 with her an exploding arrow.

Now you might be thinking ' You're only a few feet away from the border just enter it and you'll be safe!' But ever since Elizabeth had claimed her power she had became overwhelmingly powerful so facing the dracenas were just like breathing to her. A muscle memory.

All of the hellhound turned to her and they they bowed as one. Elizabeth grinned and then tied her hair with her scrunchie. Then she realized that it was eerily quiet. She turned around and saw most of the campers at camp staring her mouth agape.

"Hi?" She grinned meekly.


The big house.

" What is your name dear?"

"Elizabeth Majnee"

"Alright do you know of your godly parent?"

"Yes, I have two."

"Really? Who?"

"Ummm may I tell you this in private?"

"Alright my dear" said Chiron bringing her into another room.


"Alright I want you to swear on river Styx that you don't tell anyone anything unless me or my godly parents allow you to."

"Alright. I swear on river Styx that I wont tell anyone anything I heard from this meeting with Elizabeth unless given permission by her or her godly parents."

Elizabeth nodded

"My first godly parent is Nyx my second one is Chaos or Khaos. I was created through parthenogenesis and My mortal father is Harold Emrys a clear sighted mortal and very wealthy wizard."
Chiron was solent. after a while he finally said

"Very well I will have my camper build a cabin between Nyxes and Chaos cabin and say that you are to be put there because you are claimed but unwilling to tell"

"Thanks Chiron I really appreciate it.


"Sir! Dionysus?"

Dionysus turned around and sighed "Yes child?"

"Sir I found a kind of beer without the alcohol but that still tastes like wine."

She took out a bottle of butterbeer and gave it to him.

Dionysus eyed for a bit and then took a sip

Nothing happened

"It really does taste like wine! This is amazing thank you"
he smiled at her and then walked away.

Heyyyyyy Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment!


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