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" Dan cahaya pagi menyapa dirimu ,
Ukir senyuman manis dipipimu . "

The American, dark haired boy got off the bus. Grabbing his average-sized, the boy makes his way to the café in front of him.

Walking his way to the staff room, 3 female workers were spotted gossiping, slightly crouching and blocking the way.

" Right!? So after lunch, I got the heck out of —"
One of the female worker who was spilling the tea to the other workers got cut off by Joshua, who pathetically told them to ' Move. '

However, he didn't stop there. " This is the door to the staff room, not the circus. You clowns can gossip in some other place. " Joshua spitted out mean words to the female workers, making them leave a gasp.

" Clowns!? " The three girls synchronized together.

" Hey, Joshua! You could've ask nicely! " The girl in a bun scolded the boy, but obviously he seemed like he wouldn't give a damn.

The three of the them moves, Joshua opens the door to the staff room and slams the door right in front of the three musketeers, one of the girls rolled their eyes and one of them scoffed.

" .. What's his problem? He's still rude as ever. "

" Right! I regret liking him before, I was fooled by his gentle face. "

The three girls continues gossiping. Jeonghan, on the other hand watches what had happen right above them. He's already been flabbergasted by the act of Joshua earlier with his grandfather, now his double the flabbier because of Joshua's act just now.

' Why does he have to be so rude .. Even so, I didn't expect him to hang Mike's amulet in his room. '
The blonde boy talked to himself.


Joshua stands directly at the counter, presses the screen in front of him as he takes the order of the costumer. The costumer is not just a normal one, it's the one who likes to flirt and makes chaos, and that's what she's doing to Joshua at the moment.

" C'mon, don't be so uptight~ " The costumer pleases him.

" You've been refusing to give me your social media handles since last week! You have Insxgram right? There's no way you don't in this day and age. "
The girl continues, not giving up for now at least.

The American boy ignored the girl his fullest and the best he can, it was really hard since this costumer does not want to stop. But Joshua finally spoke up,
" Miss, please stop and leave. I am busy. "

But the arrogant costumer did not give up, she beg and begged all she can to the other. " Stop distracting me, I'm done talking to you. If you're really desperate for a date, then go find a guy from dating apps, not here. This is a café.

And get your pants out of here. "
Joshua glares at her, rolling his eyes to purposely make the costumer annoyed.

" Watch your mouth! Who do you think you are!?
You're acting like I want to get in your pants! Y'know there are plenty other guys with way better looks than you! How dare you say those words to me!?

Know your place! You're just some café Barista!! "
The costumer pants in raggedness.

" Doesn't that mean we're on the same hotness level?
Who's the dumb one know? "

The female costumer who was filled with rage grabs her drink and thwacks it to the American Barista.
All eyes were glued on the horrific scene as they close they're mouth using their hands.

The calm and soft ambience the café had quickly turned into an unpleasant mess. The girl kept shouting and screaming to Joshua. The other staffs tried to calm the girl down.

Meanwhile, Joshua stayed quiet. He looked nauseous. Fortunately, The manager came rushing in to handle the situation.

Later, the manager calls Joshua to talk in the staff room. " You really don't understand proper work etiquette, do you!? You should've restrained yourself and just given the costumer what she wanted! " The manager shouts at the boy.

" This is not the first time you've caused a problem like this, You know!? " The manages continues shouting at the other.

" I'm .. sorry. "
Joshua apologizes, trying his best to hold his tears.

The manager who was shouting at the American boy earlier got out from the room, Joshua sniffles, then crouches down to cover his face.

On the walk home, Jeonghan realized Joshua looked really tired. It doesn't seem like today is an unusually bad day. The blonde boy felt like this is what he goes trough everyday.

At first Jeonghan thought the other was just upset over his grandfather's death, and that's why he was so on edge. ' Based on what his workers said .. he's always been this way. I wonder why? ' Jeonghan scratches his head from his own thought. He's been curious as ever about the other.

Jeonghan followed Joshua on his way home.
And without focusing on where he was walking, he had almost got ran over by a car. Thankfully a stranger quickly grabs his hand, " Watch out! The traffic light's still red. " That had almost made Jeonghan a heart attack, his 4th partner could not die. It has only been the first day.

" That was close .. but why did he ..
Wait, I can see it. Joshua's gloomy and dazed aura. "
Jeonghan said to himself as the aura gets stronger.

An aura that bad is a sign of a human in perilous condition. Like what had happened to Joshua just know, he was loosing focus. It's the Dream Watchers job to lessen their burden by giving them a peaceful night's rest.

The both of them arrived at Joshua's unit, he had finish doing his night routine and now it's time for him to sleep. He lays down and shuts his eyes, Jeonghan swiftly took his device to control the other's dream, but it seems like the screen was complete blank.

Nothing was visible on the screen. Jeonghan thought his device wasn't working but it's impossible because it's an unbreakable device.

" I'm supposed to be able to see and edit Joshua's dream through this device. But why is it blank!? "
The blonde boy groans. He just had a breakdown because of the device, well because this had never happened before.

" What's going on!? " Jeonghan holds the device like it's about to break, gritting his teeth as he looks at Joshua who was sleeping.

To be continued ..

- Pujaanku
Masdo, Aisyah Aziz

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