𝐿𝓊𝒸𝒾𝒹 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂

43 3 1

" Where you go I follow
No matter how far . "

The blonde boy scans the whole bookshelf in the library of Eternity world. He's interested to learn more about lucid dreaming.

" Okay so.. where should I start looking for lucid dreaming books? " Jeonghan crosses his arm.

If there's an answer as to why Jeonghan got pulled inside Joshua's dream, that would be even better.

Last night, in Joshua's dream, the blonde boy could speak clearly with the other.

' If I can't change Joshua's dream from the real world, then maybe I can teach him how to control his dreams from the inside. ' Jeonghan opens a book.

If Jeonghan's plan goes well, he wonders what kinds of things they'll be able to do together.


Jeonghan fantasized about what would happen if he could help Joshua control his dreams this afternoon.

The blonde boy wanted the both of them to be friends, and play together in the dream, have fun and all.

' But, I think I messed up. ' Jeonghan sighed.

Back to some time ago, once the dark haired started dreaming and Jeonghan's device stopped working again, Jeonghan placed his hand near Joshua's forehead.

' WHOSH! '
A bright light shines the whole room.

' The result was exactly the same. I was immediately sucked in Joshua's dream. ' Jeonghan groans in dissatisfaction.

Jeonghan landed safely on the ground. Glad to know he didn't fell on Joshua again. But the sensation of being sucked in is really unpleasant.

Jeonghan's body feels like it's being made into spaghetti. The ground is a big soft, but not muddy like last time's.

The blonde boy proceeds to feel the texture of the ground, then he heard a voice.
" You again? This freak.. " Jeonghan looks behind of where the voice is coming from.

" It was you last time too, right? The one who appeared out of nowhere. " Joshua asks in a cold tone.

Jeonghan scoffs. " Joshua.. wow. I'm touched you remembered me. But my name's Jeonghan, don't call me a freak. "

The dark haired face seems uninterested, but he continues the conversation. " Why do you keep showing up here? What do you want? "

Jeonghan wanted to respond, but Joshua walks away. Again, uninterested.

" Wait! " Joshua looks back from Jeonghan's shout.

" I'm here to watch over you, you know?
Do you realize that we're both in your dream!? "
Jeonghan explains.

" My dream.. ? " Jeonghan nodded. " Yeah.. this does feel like a dream. "

Joshua's unaware that he is dreaming. Maybe Methyst was right, he is experiencing a lucid dream.

Jeonghan places his hand on Joshua's right shoulder. " Listen, have you heard of lucid dreaming? " Joshua stares at the other with no replies nor reaction.

" Uh, I think that's what you're experiencing right now. And all this darkness is the result of your negative thoughts. " Jeonghan explains simply, trying to make the other understand.

Joshua rolls his eyes. " Lucid dreams.. a figment of my subconscious or whatever. You're just making things up. Your not human and I know what you are.
Just tell the admit it already. "

Jeonghan froze. Did Joshua really knows who he is? Should Jeonghan tell the truth?

" You're a demon. "

The blonde pushes the other. " A demooonn!? That's so rude! You think I'm a demon!? " Jeonghan shouts.

That's when the both of them starts arguing, talking back to each other. They wouldn't stop for about a few minutes until a loud growl was heard by the two.

The atmosphere was darker than before. Jeonghan stopped talking and realized what had happened, it's bad news.

" Just what is your purpose!? Are you planning to haunt me until I die!? " Joshua's aura was different, everything felt different.

" Then go ahead and kill me already! " The dark haired scream was loud, there was weird sketchy noises mixing up with his scream.

A black thick strings starts to tangle all around Joshua's body, making him unable to move.

The black thick strings wraps itself to Joshua's neck, choking him. He started to cough, wobbling down to the ground.

Jeonghan starts to panick and tries to help Joshua.
" What is this!? These things are choking you! Where did they came from? " Jeonghan asks in confusion.

" You should know.. isn't this your doing? " Joshua manages to talk, even though his face is red from the choking.

" That's nonsense! I would never hurt you like this! "
The darkness is suffocating Joshua again, just like the other day.

' Is this a manifestation of his anger? Did this appear because of what I said earlier!? ' Jeonghan overthinks while pulling the thick strings that was suffocating the other.

" My chest feels tight.. " Joshua says in a panting voice. Jeonghan pulls the other's body closer, hugging him.

" Joshua, calm yourself down and listen to me. " Jeonghan wraps his hand around Joshua.

" You're the only one who can get rid of this darkness.. no one is trying to hurt you here. " And slowly, the darkness is starting to fade.

" I'm here to protect you. This is just a dream, this darkness isn't real. You can breathe, you will be okay. Imagine being in another place, anywhere else you can think of. " The blonde boy confronts the other.

Many furnitures started falling from above.
Joshua did it. The darkness suffocating him is gone.

" Joshua.. you did it, we're safe. " Jeonghan held Joshua's hand.

Joshua looked dizzy and unconscious. He tried to open his eyes, but he failed.

The dark haired drop himself on Jeonghan. The blonde boy was confused. This weird feeling.. is Joshua finally waking up?

Everything starts to fade. That's when Jeonghan knew Joshua's walking up from the terrific dream.

To be continued ..

- Best Part.
Daniel Caeser.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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