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" Hon ,
please forgive me if I ever did you wrong . "

The bedroom was filled with silence, only to see Joshua laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

From what had happen at work earlier, Joshua got scolded from something he did right. Even though the dark haired boy tried to explain, the manager wouldn't listen a word he said.

It wasn't Joshua's fault this time, he had to put up with his screaming almost everyday.

' I hate his voice .. so noisy. '

And so, his eyes shuts down. Jeonghan flew above Joshua to make sure he's finally dozing off. He takes the device beside him, adjusting the screen.

" Uh-huh, it's just like last time. "

Joshua's been having those pitch black dreams for two days in a row now.

" Hang on a sec, what is this.. ? "

Joshua's strolling inside his dream, but he felt like he'd started to sink. The surface felt like mud, he was anxious at first, but it didn't bother him after that.

The dark haired hook sited on the ground, he loved the atmosphere, even though Jeonghan thought otherwise. Jeonghan hated the fact it was too dark and worried that Joshua would end up in a bad situation.

Jeonghan tried editing his dream, but the device wasn't working. Joshua who was beside him started coughing, suffocating in reality, Jeonghan was paranoid as ever, he tried thinking on a way where he can help the other.

A dream watcher can wake his partner by placing a hand on top of their partner's forehead, and that was the first thing that popped up into his head.
" I'm sorry Joshua, I know you're tired. But I have to wake you up. "

" I'll start .. Wake up, Joshua. " The blonde boy places his hand on Joshua's forehead gently, but he failed.

Instead, the whole room started to light up and Jeonghan's body began to fade, felling from above, he landed on Joshua inside his pitched black dream.

Groaned in pain, Joshua grabs the blonde's white tee. " Who the fuck are you? "

" How did you fall on top of me? It hurts. "
Locking eye contact with each other, Jeonghan had realized Joshua, who's in front of him can see, touch, and hear Jeonghan.

It's impossible for humans to do all that to dream watchers, it almost felt fake. He felt like everything single thing happening right now was fake.
" Hey, are you deaf? "

Jeonghan touches the other's hand, making sure this was fake and wasn't real, otherwise he would evaporate and die, just like Seungcheol said.

" How is your dream so dark? Aren't you scared!? "
Jeonghan finally opens his mouth to speak.

" This darkness are swallowing us! You need to get rid of it!! " Jeonghan starts screaming with panic but Joshua seems like he was OK with it. " Well.. I don't care? "

The surface-like mud starts sinking them below, it was more strong this time. " You have to wake up, Joshua! " the blonde grips the other's collar tightly.

" Shut up, can't you be quiet? So what if I drown? "
Joshua gritted his teeth.

Being paranoid and losing his patience, Jeonghan gripped his right hand close and swing his hand on his face.

' WHACK! ' the sound of Jeonghan's punch woke the other up, and Jeonghan successfully escapes his dream. He landed on Joshua's bedroom floor and watches Joshua get up, touching his cheek while watching the time on his phone. ' 5.am '

The dark hair's sleep was restless again, just like every other day. " What was I dreaming about?
The last thing I remembered was.. some freaky kid punched me? "

Jeonghan's mouth was opened from shock as he heard the way Joshua described him. It had obviously offended the blonde boy. " Excuse me!? "


Things are pretty normal in reality, Joshua can't see or touch Jeonghan. Jeonghan's never heard of a case like this before. In fact, this has never happened in the history of Dream Watchers.

But if Jeonghan were to report this, he would be assigned a new partner for sure. And his chance on being selected for the choice ceremony would be gone.

Jeonghan crossed his legs and think. His breakfast was just coffee and burnt toast, he doesn't like socializing at all. Somehow, he's like someone who's lost his youth.

Jeonghan flew to the Eternity World, he explained to Seungcheol and Methyst about the incident of his device.

" Nothing seems to be broken. Everything is functioning as it could. " The blonde boy sighs.

The three of them sat in a circle, Jeonghan leans back of his chair. " Then why can't I change Joshua's dream? It's been going on for days now. "

Seungcheol chuckled. " You know, it'd be pretty hilarious if it was broken. You'd be the first person in history to break this magical device. "

The two other looks at Seungcheol with a ' the fuck '
face. " Wait, an un-editable dream ..? Could it be,
Lucid Dreaming? "

" Lucid Dream? " Jeonghan asked.

" When humans are lucid dreaming, they can fully control their own dreams. That means we can't change anything, all we can do is observe and wake them up if we have to. "

" Oh, make sense. " Jeonghan nodded.

Last night's accident. He'll keep it to himself for now.

To be continued ..

- Numb
Men I Trust

천사 ( Angel ) JihanWhere stories live. Discover now