EPISODE I: Good Morning, Bdubs!

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"Good morning, Bdubs," a pedestrian, Karie, said as the boy walked past her and her little toy poodle.

"Good morning," he answered.

"'Mornin', kid," a man, Dane, said as he took a short break from sawing wood in his garage.


"Hello, Bdubs," a little old lady said sweetly, watching over her grandson like usual.

Bdubs stopped and handed her some candy from his bag. "Good morning, Miss Mulligan," he said, then continued down the sidewalk.

This was how every morning went for Bdubs; On his way to school he would say good morning to his neighbors, then he'd go to the corner store for-

"Five bottles of Dr. Pepper," Bdubs said, slamming a twenty on the counter and startling the store owner. "And-"

"-five bags of Doritos to go with it," the store owner finished with a laugh. "I have them right here, Bdubs."

The boy beamed. "Thanks, man!" He waited for the store owner to pull out the goodies and put them on the counter before he took them and shoved them into his backpack.

The snacks were for his friends: Etho, Tango, Impulse, Zedaph, and Skizz. He never got any for himself since he didn't like junk food and stuck to a "natural diet" as he called it. He never ate things like popcorn or crackers or desserts. He liked his fruits, veggies, and meat. He had to, to be a perfectly healthy boy.

You see, Bdouble O was no ordinary eighth-grader. He was a boy from fairytales and legends, the Child of the Sky. And he had a very important job to do, so he had to be healthy. Being sick meant he needed more rest than usual and that meant the day cycle would be sent way out of whack.

Because when Bdubs slept, so did the sun rest its weary head. And whilst he slept, the moon and stars awakened and shone brightly in the night sky, illuminating the dark.

Bdubs was the child born from the sky.

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"Someone's extra peppy today," Bdubs' homeroom teacher said, and the boy beamed at him.

"There's no reason to be sad," he said, and he walked into the classroom with his teacher chuckling behind him. He immediately spotting his group of chaotic friends and bounded over to them. "Hey, guys." He sat next to Etho, who gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, beautiful," Etho said, smiling. "How are you?"

Tango, Impulse, Zedaph, and Skizz all looked at each other and rolled their eyes at the couple. Tango even pretended to gag.

Bdubs giggled. "I'm doing great," he said, earning another gentle kiss from Etho before he turned to the rest of the group. "How are you guys?"

The four of them froze and started laughing.

"We're good," Impulse said, then he held out his arm to show off the pretty gold bracelet on his wrist with two charms on it; one had the letter Z and the other had a T on it. "We just got these forever bracelets," he said. "They're fitted perfectly to our wrists so we can never take them off. That's how good of boyfriends we are."

Skizz huffed. "Way to make me a fifth wheel, Dipple Dot," he said sarcastically, making Impulse snort, then they both smiled. "I'll always be your number one best friend, though, so I'm not worried." He smiled brightly and Impulse smiled back.

Zedaph took one of Impulse's hands whilst Tango took the other and the two of them pressed a kiss to each of his cheeks, making Impulse's face flush.

"Hey!" Skizz shouted. "You can't do that to my Dipple Dot! Back off!"

The whole group started to laugh when Skizz said that, causing Skizz to pout, though he eventually started to laugh with them.

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"What'd you get for lunch?" Tango asked Skizz who opened up his lunch bag.

"Turkey, ham, and cheese sandwiches with celery and strawberries," Skizz answered as he peeked into his bag. "Ooh, and a note from Mom." He pulled out a little piece of paper. "'Love you to bits and pieces, sugar. Love, Momma.'" He smiled. "I love my mom."

Etho nodded, but didn't say anything.

Impulse nudged Etho's foot with his own to get his attention, then mouthed the words, "I love his mom, too."

The gesture caught Etho off-guard, causing him to spit out his drink as he laughed, freaking out the whole table.

"Etho!" Bdubs whined, having been soaked with Etho's drink. "Come on!" He stopped and took a deep breath. "Can you grab me some napkins?" he asked calmly, making the rest of the table snicker.

"Sure," Etho said, smiling a bit as he got up from the table.

Bdubs stared at him as he walked toward the silverware and napkins, resting his chin in his palm. He sighed happily as Etho came back with a handful of napkins, taking them from him with a bright smile.

Impulse and Skizz looked at each other, sharing a mischievous grin.

"Oh, dear," Zedaph sighed, laughing a bit.

Impulse silently counted to three before he and Skizz began to sing, "Bdubs and Etho, sitting in a tree-"

"Hey!" Bdubs shouted. "You shut up!"

Impulse and Skizz started to laugh, leaning into each other as they grew weak from laughing so hard.

Etho chuckled at how cracked up they got over something so small as Bdubs telling them to shut up. "You guys are funny," he said as he helped clean up the mess he unintentionally made.

"Hey, I just finished that Decked Out horror game I've been working ong," Tango said, shifting the mood around. "You guys wanna come over so we can play it together?"

"Hell yeah!" Zedaph said excitedly.

"Sounds fun," Etho said. "Bdubs?"

Bdubs shrugged. "I don't know," he said, sighing. "That might keep me up at night, or I might get home late and get to bed too late. I need my-"

"Beauty sleep, we know," Tango finished, smiling and earning giggles from around the table. "What if we just made it a sleepover so you don't have to be late getting home?"

"Oooh, I like that idea," Impulse chimed in.

Bdubs had to think for a moment. Tomorrow is Wednesday, which means I have school, he thought, but I can still get my homework done if I don't play the video game... "Fine," he said. "That sounds good."

"Yes! Sleepover, it is!"

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