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"Skizz, you did what?" Bdubs said, feeling shocked and betrayed.

Skizz looked away. "Look, I just told a few people as a dare, okay?" he said. "It's not that big of a deal."

Bdubs laughed, though the sound was anything but happy. "Did I not explain to you yesterday the whole situation and why people can't know about that?" he said through gritted teeth. "You said you wouldn't tell anybody!"

"I only told four people, relax," Skizz said, rolling his eyes. "You'll live. Besides, I was promised-" He stopped and glanced at Xelqua, whose eyes were dark and angry. "I..." He shook his head. "Just get over it, you'll be fine."

"Who exactly did you tell?" Zedaph asked.

Skizz shrugged. "Scott and Martyn."

"You told Scott?!" Bdubs shrieked. "He's going to tell everyone!"

"He promised he wouldn't."

Bdubs scoffed and shook his head. "Come on, Skizz," he said. "You know him. He's the biggest gossip at this school. He'll have everyone talking about it by tomorrow!"

Xelqua sighed dramatically, then yawned. "Are you done yet?" they asked, sounding bored. "We're kind of trying to have our lunch here."

Bdubs frowned, a sassy retort dying on his lips when he made eye contact with Xelqua. They were frightening. "Fine, I'm done," he said, then went to sit down, but the table was full. "Oh. Um..."

Xelqua looked around the table. "Oh, did I take up the last seat?" they asked in mock innocence, touching a finger to their chin. They grinned mischievously up at Bdubs. "Oopsie."

After scowling intensely at Xelqua for a moment, Bdubs sighed. "I have other friends," he said. "I'll just go sit with them instead."

"Bdubs," Zedaph stood up as Bdubs began to walk away, stopping him. Zed paused when Bdubs gave him an expectant look. "I'm sorry." He mouthed the words and earned an awkward smile from Bdubs. Zedaph looked away, then sat back down.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆

"Hey," Bdubs said as he approached a table consisting of Ren, Cleo, Doc, and Iskall. "Is there an open seat over here?"

Ren and Doc shared awkward expressions. "Sorry, dude," Ren said, looking back at Bdubs, "there's not. Stress, Scar, and Cub are sitting with us, too."

"That's... fine," Bdubs said, nodding whilst tears stung his eyes. "I can go sit with someone else." I don't have any other friends. Bdubs flashed an awkward smile and turned to walk away when he heard Scar's voice.

"Did you guys hear what Scott said about Bdubs?"

Bdubs spun around and gave Scar a wide-eyed expression. "What did he say?"

Scar froze. "Oh, uh..." He laughed uncomfortably. "I didn't recognise you there, Bdubs..."

Bdubs stepped closer to Scar. "What did Scott say about me?" he demanded.

"N-nothing really," Scar said nervously, "just that you have some weird magic powers that made the sky all funky yesterday. But- but nobody really believes it." He laughed a little bit more, and Bdubs felt a little bit of relief.

"You're sure nobody believes it?" Bdubs asked. "Like, nobody at all?"

Cub quirked a brow as he sat down at the table. "I mean, I'd start believing it with the way you're acting about it," he said, shrugging. "If you don't act paranoid, people won't believe it." He flashed Bdubs a knowing look, making the boy gulp.

"Right, of course," Bdubs said with a nervous laugh, forcing himself to look away from Cub. "But obviously I don't have magic powers because magic doesn't exist. Period, end of discussion." He glanced at Cub again and took a shaky breath. "Well, I'm off to, uh... go sit and eat. Somewhere." He smiled and turned around to walk away.

How does Cub know it's true? Bdubs thought as he dumped his tray of food in the trash and went to go hide in the bathroom. And why did he look at me like that? Is he also a god, like Xelqua? Are there more immortal beings at this school than just me and Xelqua? Are they all out to get me or are they here to help me? What does any of this mean?

Slipping into one of the stalls, Bdubs sighed. This was all too much for him. He was an eighth-grader and the universe was throwing this huge obstacle in his path that could ruin the flow of life itself... and the gods just expected him to be able to take care of it himself? How was he supposed to stop a literal god as a fourteen year old boy who was never trained in using any kind of abilities? The only power he could use was rising and setting the sun. It made no sense why this was happening.

As Bdubs sat on the floor and leaned against the wall, frustrated tears begin to pour down his cheeks.

"Why me?"

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