EPISODE IV: Suspicions

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"Did you guys see the new kid?" Tango asked the table.

"Yeah, that new kid is pretty cool, don't you think?" Zed answered.

"I really like the new kid," Skizz said.

Bdubs groaned, earning the attention of his friends. "New kid this, new kid that," he complained, setting down his fork on his lunch tray. "It's all about the stupid new kid. You know what? I don't like the new kid. I think the new kid is weird and creepy and- Why are you staring at me like that?"

Etho pointed behind him and Bdubs turned to see (who would've guessed?) the new kid was standing right there.

"I'm sorry," they said sadly, lowering their head like a guilty dog. "I didn't mean to upset you." They sniffled, gaining the compassionate Zedaph's attention.

"No, no, don't cry," Zed said as he got up from the table to comfort them. "I'm sure he didn't mean it. Come on, Bdubs, say you're sorry."

Bdubs stared at the unnamed kid, who was grinning sickeningly as they stared at the floor, and saw that their third eye (which only he seemed to notice) was glowing again like earlier. "No."


"Look, they're hella creepy, okay?" Bdubs said in his defense, raising his hands placatingly. "I saw them at the corner by the gas station this morning and they somehow made the sky go back to normal, they have a third eye, and they knew my name without me telling them!"

The kid looked up, their disgusting grin gone. "What are you talking about?" they asked as Zedaph hugged them from the side, trying to comfort them. "What third eye?"

"The one on your forehead, you idiot!"

Zed gasped. "Bdubs!"

The kid let out a soft sob. "Why are you being so mean to me?" they asked. "I didn't even do anything..." Their eye began to glow once again.

"Yeah, Bdubs," Etho said monotonously. "They just got here. Leave them alone."

Bdubs was hurt by how Etho wasn't on his side, but he ignored that and huffed, turning his attention back to the kid. "I don't know what your deal is, but I don't want anything to do with you. You're weird." He got up from the table and left the cafeteria.

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"Dude," Impulse whispered to Tango during independent reading, tapping him on the shoulder. "Look." He pointed out the window to a dark sky, the moon and stars in full sight. "It's, like, twenty after eleven."

Tango marked his spot in his book and blinked as he looked outside, clearly confused. "What the hell is going on today?" he asked, and Impulse shook his head. "The sky has been doing this all morning.  It was even all purple-y earlier."

"Yeah," Skizz chimed in from behind Tango, using his book to block the teacher from seeing his face. "That was really cool, though, right? I've never seen anything like it." He looked over when he heard snoring to find Bdubs drooling on his book. Skizz snickered and pointed. "Guys, look."

Tango smiled a bit. "Aww, he's adorable," he said. "I've never thought of Bdubs as someone who snores." He laughed a little. "It's so cute."

Impulse yawned. "Yeah, but he's really not the one to be sleeping in class so much, you know," he said in seriousness. "I guess I didn't realise just how tired he really was until now."

"You know what's funny?" Skizz said, still looking at Bdubs. "Every time he goes to sleep, the sky gets all funky. Isn't that weird?"

"Huh." Impulse gave Bdubs an odd look. "I never realised that... Weird."

Zedaph looked up from his book. He was reading Eragon. "Can you guys be quiet?" he whispered. "I'm just getting to the good part."

"You don't think Bdubs could possibly have had something to do with the sky being weird," Tango said, ignoring Zed, who groaned in response, "...do you?"

Skizz scoffed. "Really, Top?" he said, and Zedaph dropped his head down onto his book in frustration. "How would Bdubs control the sky? With magic super powers?" He said the last part in a baby voice.

Bdubs lifted his head groggily. "What the heck are you guys talking about?" he asked, and Skizz watched with wide eyes as the sky suddenly returned to a bright baby blue.

"Oh, nothing," a voice chimed in from behind Zed, and Bdubs looked over to see the new kid (who still had yet to be named) grinning mischievously. "Just that you have magic powers that control the sky."

Bdubs eyes widened in horror, then he blinked and tried to play it off, hoping they were just joking. "Wha- What are you talking about?" he said. "Magic isn't real."

"Bdubs," Skizz said, slowly taking his eyes off the window. "Are you lying?"

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