EPISODE VIII: Pushing The Wrong Buttons

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"I tried to tell him not to do it," Zedaph said as Bdubs cried in Etho's arms, "but I just... couldn't. I don't know what happened, I just couldn't open my mouth to speak." He paused and watched Bdubs guiltily, chewing on his lip. He sighed. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from telling them, Bdubs."

Etho rubbed Bdubs' back. "Maybe people knowing is a good thing," he suggested, and Bdubs shoved him away.

"A good thing?!" Bdubs shouted, his eyes puffy and cheeks red. "What about this is good, Etho?!"

"Listen, it was just a thought," Etho said placatingly, lifting his hands. "Maybe if people believe it and believe you, then you'll have more people on your side and not on Xelqua's."

Bdubs sniffled. "Etho, people aren't supposed to know," he said. "If people know and believe it, then I- I won't have my powers anymore and Xelqua will take control of this world. And now Cub understands and he could be some kind of god or- or- or an enemy of mine or something. And if he's after me, too, then I'm screwed! I'll get my powers taken from me and I'll be nothing but a useless boy with no purpose by the end of the week!"

Etho and Zedaph shared concerned looks, but didn't say anything as awkward silence settled over the three of them. It wasn't like they had any advice for Bdubs. They never went through what he was going through, and they never would. So what could they possibly say?

"I'm sorry," Bdubs apologised, sniffling again. "I didn't mean to yell."

"Bdubs, your powers don't give you worth," Zedaph said. "Sure, they give you a divine purpose in life, but they don't define your use to the world. You're such a smiley and cheery person that you don't need powers to light up the sky. And you make Etho really happy. I think that's worth more than some blessings from gods that don't seem to care too much about you."

As kind as the words were, they didn't seem to push the right buttons.

"Leave," Bdubs said quietly.

Zedaph blinked in confusion. "Wait, what? I thought-"

"If you're going to disrespect the gods and the blessings they gave me," Bdubs said, "then you can leave."

"Disrespect?" Zedaph echoed in shock. "I- No, I didn't mean to disrespect anybody, I just- I thought that would motivate you-"

"You thought wrong."

Zedaph pursed his lips awkwardly. "I'm sorry." He glanced toward the door, then quietly picked up his bag and left.

Bdubs began to cry again when he shut the door, dissolving into another fit of tears and wails. "Why is everything going so wrong?" he said, throwing the question into the air for someone to answer.

But no one did.

"Maybe you need to just relax some," Etho suggested. "Distract yourself and get your mind off of things for a little bit."

Bdubs rubbed his teary eyes and sighed. "Maybe." He paused. "I didn't mean to get mad at Zed. I'm sorry. I just- I can't stand when people disrespect the gods like that."

"You guys can make it up to each other later," Etho said, gently leading Bdubs over to the sofa so they could sit down. "Let's watch something."

Bdubs smiled. "Can we watch Percy Jackson?"

Etho snorted. "Of course."

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The next day, Bdubs went to school as normal and he apologised to Zedaph for the way he acted toward him.

"It's fine," Zedaph said with a bright smile. "Don't worry about it. I understand why you were frustrated."

Bdubs let out a long sigh of relief. "Oh, thank you," he said, then huggef Zed tightly. "You don't know how much it means to me that you're not mad." He noticed a faint glow of blue in the corner of his eye and glanced over to the side to see Cub staring intently at him, then Cub began beckoning him over. "Uh..." He pulled away from Zed. "Give me one minute," he said with a nervous laugh.

"Sure," Zed said cluelessly, then waved as Bdubs walked away.

Bdubs smiled at Zed before turning his full attention to Cub. "Please tell me you're not trying to kill me, too," he whispered to the other boy, who blinked and looked absolutely flabbergasted.

"Uh. What?"

Bdubs looked around. "There's this- person- and they're trying to get rid of me and I know you know what I am," he rambled, "but I don't know what you are or if you're on my side or not and I really don't want you to try to kill me, too, because I'd be absolutely fucked-"

"Woah, woah," Cub said, waving his hands placatingly. "Look, I'm not your friend, but I'm not trying to kill you." He chuckled. "That's absurd. There's no point in killing you. I'd just get the gods angry at me."

Bdubs was shocked and relieved. "You're not going to kill me?" he said hopefully.

Cub shook his head. "No," he said. "But I do want you gone."


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