---- chapter 1

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     TODAY MARKS the like 15th bat mitzvah in the past month. I enjoy going to them but when your brother constantly brags about his bar mitzvah coming up it gets annoying. Mind you my bat mitzvah comes before his. The bat mitzvah starts in an hour and I still don't know what to wear.

"AARON" I yell, he comes barging into my room.

"What do you want" He say's with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Red or purple" I say pointing to the two dresses on my bed. I hope he says the red one, the red one is dark red and has a slit on both sides, although the purple one is pretty its too flowy for me and its boring.

"Uh the red one" Aaron say's then walks out my room.

God do I love my brother sometimes. Me and Aaron are surprisingly close, despite him being a boy and him going through "that" phase he isn't a prick like some of his friends. I don't know Aaron's friends like that, i only know of one because every girl is practically in love with him. Including some of my friends. Stacy Friedman. She's been totally obsessed with Andy Goldfarb for who knows how long.

I can't really blame her. Andy is a really good looking guy , but every girl likes him and he gets with every girl as well. It sucks because my crush for him developes more and more each day. My tactic is to pretend I know nothing of him to grab his attention. If one girl pretends not to know about him its gonna pull him. Exactly what I want. You can call me crazy, im really not, im just smart. Enough about this Andy talk. The bat mitzvah awaits.

Autumn slip's on the red dress pulling at it to make it fit her nicely, she puts on a pair of black heels and walk's over to her mirror. She fixes her hair, touching up the curls she did before. As she was putting on lip gloss, Aaron walk's into her room.

"You look like a stripper" Aaron say's while holding his phone, someone was speaking on the other side of the phone.

"You're the one who told me to wear this, what the fuck" Autumn say's facing her brother. "Also who are you on the phone with?" She finishes as she walks away from her mirror.

"Andy, and were on facetime" Aaron say's.

"Who's Andy again" Autumn says taking her plan into action.

"yo did she just say who's andy" She hears andy say from Aarons phone.

"Andy, my best friend, blonde curly head, you see him all the time" Aaron says slightly giving autumn are you serious look.

"Don't remember him" Autumn says pushing Aaron out her room so they both can go downstairs.

"Well you'll remember because we're picking him up to go to the bat mitzvah" Aaron says walking downstairs. Autumn follows behind him, she tries to hide her nervousness because of what Aaron just said. She pushes Aaron out the way to go talk to her parents.

"When we're you guys going to tell me Aaron is bringing one of his friends in the car with us" Autumn says.

"It's not a big deal honey" her mother say's.

"It is, do you not understand who his friend is" Autumn says.

"SO YOU DO KNOW WHO HE IS" Aaron says practically yelling.

"Do you ever shut up oh my god" Autumn says. "His friend is the guy every girl has a crush on. This isn't okay" She finishes.

"Im confused, are you one of those girls that likes him?" her dad says.

"NO OH MY GOD" Autumn say's walking away.

"Autumn just admit you like him" Aaron say's.

"You are the most annoying and idiotic person I've ever met" Autumn say's.

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