---- chapter 2

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     ITS BEEN one day since the bat mitzvah. One day since Autumn and Andy have spoken. Since the bat mitzvah Autumn has felt like a million bucks. Safe to say her hanging out with Andy and none the less speaking to him definitely boosted her ego and self confidence.

It was Monday morning, meaning school. Autumn didn't hate school but she didn't enjoy it either. She picks out a pink cropped top and slightly bagging jeans and a pair of black converse. She puts her hair into two messy space bun's. As she finishes getting ready she walks out her room and into Aarons.

"Get up we have school" She says.

"No" Aaron say's turning around in bed.

"If you're not up and ready in the next 5 minutes we'll have a repeat of Saturday" Autumn says walking out his room.

Autumn makes her way downstairs. Her mom already left for work so it was only her, her dad and Aaron. Her dad is in the kitchen making coffee. She walks up to her dad to say hello and give him a side hug.

"Is your brother up?" Her dad says.

"I dont know hold on, AARON ARE YOU UP" Autumn yells.

"YES I AM SHUT UP HOLY SHIT" Aaron yells back from upstairs.

"There's your answer" Autumn says laughing, her dad laughs with her. They both enjoy seeing how pissed off Aaron gets in such a short amount of time. Speaking of the devil Aaron finally comes downstairs.

"Alright im here let's go" Aaron say's walking out the door.

"He act's just like your mother, so, sassy" Her dad says causing Autumn to chuckle. The two walk out the house, her dad holds the door for her locking it when she steps out. Aaron is already sat in the back the car. Autumn sits in the passenger seat and her dad the driver, of course. The ride didn't consist of much, just the radio playing music and Aaron snoring. He fell back to sleep in the car. They let him sleep until they get to the school, Autumn had the awesome idea to spray Aaron with water bottle that was in the car. She sprays him and he shoot's up. Autumn quickly unbuckles herself.

"And this is why we cant have nice things, thank you so very much autumn. Im gonna kill you." Aaron say's as Autumn jumps out the car and runs into the school knowing her brother was gonna be somewhere behind her.

Autumn is running in the school not knowing where she's going exactly but she knows her brother is behind her because she can hear his faint "AUTUMN GET OVER HERE". As she was running she bumps into someone hard enough to make her fall.

"Oh shit" the person says behind her, autumn yet is to turn around bc she's gathering her books.

"That's my fault, im sorry" Autumn says finally looking up and to her surprise it's Andy.

"Autumn?" Andy say's.

"Andy?" Autumn say's.

"Are you good?" Andy ask's.

"Yes im good but Aaron is gonna kill me, hes somewhere around here" Autumn say's still on the floor

"yo what?" Andy say's with a confused face.

"It's a long story but i need him to go away, think of something, please, i beg, because i know for sure hes mad at me" Autumn says genuinely fearing her brother in this instant.

"Uh i dont know" Andy say's.

"Shit Andy give me your sweater fast, if i change something im wearing it can throw him off, i think, well i hope". Autumn say's to Andy.

"Uh sure okay" Andy say's as he was about to take off his sweater, Autumn hears Aaron. There's no time. Not for her to get up and run again, not for her to get Andys sweater in time. Autumn does probably the worse thing imaginable. Without thinking she pulls Andy into a kiss. Surprisingly Andy doesn't pull back from it, he goes along with it, kissing Autumn back. The two are on the floor sharing a kiss to get Autumns brother away from her. After a while they pull away from each other. One problem gone another one forming.

Autumn land-bridge just kissed Andy goldfarb. Impulsively. She didn't think of anything else and that was the only thing that came in mind. Autumn get's up and grab's her books.

"that was tight" Andy say's with a smile on his face.

"im so fucking sorry for that, i shouldn't have done that, i wasn't thinking. Aaron was gonna kill me if i didnt think of something, i wont do it again" Autumn say's shaking her head.

"you can do it again, that was hot as fuck" Andy say's. Autumn is standing in place, shocked by what is happening. Clearly Autumn and Andy forgot were they were because after the whole school was staring at them.

"Uh i think im gonna go now...ill- ill see you later Andy" Autumn say's walking away screaming internally for good and bad reasons.

She just kissed the boy she likes but she also just kissed the boy her friend likes. This pit in Autumns stomach grew larger and larger. Not knowing if it was butterflies or guilt. The kiss she had with Andy she enjoyed it, every second of it. It sent her to the moon knowing that she; Autumn land-bridge kissed the Andy goldfarb. Her brothers best friend. But deep down she knew something bad was gonna happen, weather it was Stacey finding out they kissed or worse, Andy just looking at Autumn as some girl and not anything more.

Little did she know Andy didn't look at her as just some girl. He looked at her as more than that. He just didn't know how to explain it because it was different for him. Usually if a girl kissed him the way autumn did he would try getting with her and if another girl popped up he would go for her. He didn't see that with Autumn he wanted something more. Something real.

m speaks!I just wanna say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support on this book so far, i love yall endlessly <3ALSO!!! You guy's might think i made Autumn and Andy kiss so early but trust me i know what im doing and i lowkey just...

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m speaks!
I just wanna say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support on this book so far, i love yall endlessly <3
ALSO!!! You guy's might think i made Autumn and Andy kiss so early but trust me i know what im doing and i lowkey just wanna see them together already ugh. But trust the process

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