---- chapter 4

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     WHEN YOU THINK OF MIDDLE SCHOOL, what do you think of? The boys, the drama, the homework, the feeling of graduating. For autumn all she could think about was nothing, absolutely nothing. Since Friday the brown eyed girl trapped herself into her room. Only leaving to use the bathroom or go get food. Since Friday almost everyone found out about hers and Andys kiss, including her brother. He wasn't so fond of it at first, he threw a tantrum. After Aarons tantrum he realized that his sister was more affected by this than he thought.

Although Aaron is a boy and doesn't understand girls emotions, he tried being there for his sister. He knew that Andy hurt her because one Andy told him about what happened, and two his sister is an open-book. At first when Andy told him about what happened and his kiss with autumn he thought his best friend was joking. Saying his sister wouldn't kiss Andy for that reason. But when Andy somehow made him believe it, he ran to Autumn's room.

"You kissed Andy?" Aaron say's.

"Yes and so has half the school can you get out now" Autumn says motioning him to leave.

"And you didnt think to tell me?" Aaron continues.

"There was nothing to tell, it was a stupid kiss Aaron, i dont ever wanna see him again" Autumn says.

"He told me what he did" Aaron say's making his way onto autumns bed.

"Yeah and i bet you cheered him on for it" Autumn say's.

"No, i yelled at him" Aaron says.

"You did? Why?" Autumn say's finally sitting up.

"Yeah i did, because your my sister. You think im gonna let Andy hurt you and he wouldn't have to hear it from me?" Aaron says.

"Didn't think you cared enough to say something to him" Autumn say's.

"Nah i do care, he said he was sorry, genuinely sorry but now he's with Lydia" Aaron say's shaking his head.

"Hes sorry but continues to get with Lydia? He can shove his apology up his ass" Autumn say's laying back down.

"He said that Lydia asked him out and he didn't know how to say no to her" Aaron says getting up.

"By saying no, it's not rocket science" Autumn say's sniffling as she began to become emotional again.

"Don't worry you're gonna get your man back, but i called it, i knew you liked him" Aaron says laughing.

"Can you get out" Autumn says with muffled giggle's. Since Aaron told Autumn that Andy and Lydia were dating Autumn texted Stacy. She knew she was pushing a limit but Stacy had the right to know as much as she did. She sends the text and also sends another asking if Stacy is willing to talk things out with Autumn. 10 minutes go by and no answer, 20 minutes go by and she finally hears a bing coming from her phone, it was Stacy. Stacy said thank you to autumn for telling her and that she does want to talk thing's out. Autumn smiled seeing the last text from Stacy and throws her phone back onto her bed.

     ITS SUNDAY, meaning Hebrew school, meaning Autumn had to see Andy,Lydia and Stacy. She's wasn't scared to see Stacy, they we're gonna talk today. She just didn't want to see Andy especially if he was with Lydia. Autumn got up not realizing that she slept in, the clock read 12:25 pm. She shoots up out of bed and throws on whatever she could find. She run's out her room with sweatpants on with a white oversized shirt and her crocs. She goes into Aarons room thinking he's still asleep too but he wasnt in his room.

"stupid fucker couldn't wake me up" Autumn say's sighing as she walk's down the stairs. She knew her parents weren't home so she just grabbed her key's a locked the door. She was gonna walk but walking would make her late by 10 minutes so she took her bike to save time.

I CAN SEE YOU || ANDY GOLDFARB !Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ