---- chapter 3

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     IT WAS NOW FRIDAY, officially four day's since Autumn kissed Andy. Surprisingly Aaron hasn't found out and neither have any of her friends. She thought out of everyone Aaron would be the first one to find out considering Andy was his best friend. Since Monday autumn's been ignoring Andy any chance she get's. Weather it was at school or Hebrew school. She's also been avoiding hanging out with Kym, Megan and Anya. Whenever those girls hangout; Andy somehow appears.

She didn't want to ignore Andy, she's said hi to him but that's all. It made her feel like crap not being able to talk to Andy, she felt like ever since the kiss it affected them and whatever they were.

Stacy asked Autumn to hang out because she wasn't talking to Lydia. Apparently when the girls went to kym's house they went to the ledge and Stacy jumped off into the cliff into the water to grab Andys attention. The usual. Stacy's "badass" moment was cut short when Stacys pad fall's in the water, causing everyone to laugh including Lydia. From what Stacy told Autumn, her crush on Andy died at 5:23pm. Autumn did think it was pretty messed up that Lydia laughed at Stacy in that situation, but autumn didn't want to interfere.

Stacy, Autumn, and Mr.Friedman we're gonna go to the movies all together. Autumn was waiting to get picked up. She put on grey sweatpants and a black cropped top with her black converse. Her hair is in a messy bun, not one of her best looks but she wasn't seeing anyone that was worth looking good for. A couple minutes later Stacy calls Autumn telling her to come outside. Autumn quickly goes downstairs, her parents weren't home and Aaron was at some party. She grabs her house keys and locks the door behind her.

She get's into the car, Mr.Friedman driving, and Stacy in the passenger. She says hello to both of them and Mr.Friedman starts driving.

"Bubie, im psyched" Mr.Friedman say's, "Im psyched about the popcorn. Lots of butter. Lots of anger after i finish it, lots of oil on my face. Are you psyched autumn?" Mr.Friedman continues.

"So very psyched Mr.Friedman" Autumn say's with a smile.

"Dad, can me and autumn skip the movies?" Stacy say's randomly.

"What no" Autumn says

"You wanna skip the movie? How come? You don't want to be seen with me either?" Mr.Friedman say's

"No, no, no. I just need to talk to Lydia. Can you drop us at her house?" Stacy says.

"But i was looking forward to the movies stace" Autumn say's.

"Next time autumn don't worry" Stacy say's.

"Sure, buddy" Mr.Friedman say's.

Autumn figured the reason Stacy and Lydia had to talk was about yesterday and what happened at the ledge. Although Autumn was excited for the movie it seemed like Stacy really needed to talk to Lydia. Mr.Friedman pulls up next to Lydias house and say's bye to the girls. Once they get out the car he drives off. The girls start walking over the the front door. Music was playing from the speakers.

"So this was the party Aaron is at" Autumn say's. Walking more she and Stacy notices Andys bike thrown on the door step. None the less Aarons was there too.

"Were we not invited or something?" Autumn say's walking up the steps.

"I was" Stacy say's.

"There's two of us here you know that right?" Autumn says

"Yes i know i didnt mean it like that" Stacy says pushing the door open. The two girls walk in and make there way to Lydia's backyard. It was packed with people. Music playing, people in the pool, people dancing. In the corner of Autumn's eyes she sees her brother. She doesn't go up to him because she doesn't feel like talking to him right now.

Stacy and Autumn walk down the steps when two girls walk up to them.

"Oh uh Stacy, you would know, how do you turn on the jacuzzi jets?" A girl with long ginger hair asks.

"Uh, the switch is in the pantry" Stacy say's pointing towards inside.

"The pantry?" The girl in yellow say's

The two girls walk away and Stacy and autumn continue walking further. Looking around they see kym,Megan and Anya filming a tiktok. Looking at the fireplace there he is, Andy, with Lydia. At first Autumn was looking at the kids in the pool while Stacy was looking at Andy.

"Oh my god" Stacy says causing Autumn to turn her head finally.

"What the fuck" Autumn say's seeing Andy and Lydia kissing on the couch. Autumn didn't know how to feel, she was filled with sadness and anger in a second. She should've known that her kiss with Andy didn't mean anything to him. She regrets everything. She sees andy pulling away from the kiss and to his luck he make's direct eye contact with Autumn. His face shows a feeling of disbelief and he gets up almost immediately. This causes Lydia to turn around. To her luck she make's direct eye contact with Stacy.

"Oh my god" Lydia says.

"Stacy" Autumn say's running after her friend.

"Stacy, Stacy" Autumn hears Lydia say.

Autumn continues running after Stacy until a pair of hands grab her arm. She turns around to be faced with Andy, the last person she wanted to see right now.

"Let go of me" Autumn says pulling his hand off of her's, she starts walking towards Stacy again.

"Can you let me talk to you" Andy says walking after her.

"No i dont want to fucking talk to you Andy, what type of shit is that?" Autumn say's.

"What are you talking about, we kissed and then you ignore me, that's not cool" Andy says loud enough for Stacy and Lydia to hear.

"You kissed him too?" Stacy say's with tear's in her eyes.

"No-no, okay yes i did, but it didn't mean anything Stacy, i did it to get out of a situation" Autumn says.

"First of all im not friends with either of you. Second of all, i am definitely not doing your entrance video Lydia." Stacy says to both girls.

"Stacy im sorry" Autumn says with tears filling her eyes.

"Oh, and one more thing. Lydia Rodriguez Katz and Autumn Land-bridge, you are so not invited to my bat mitzvah." Stacy say's walking away.

"Good, have fun without me" Lydia yell's.

"Oh my god Lydia shut up, do you not realize what is happening?" Autumn say's.

"Your just as worse as me Autumn" Lydia says turning to autumn.

"My kiss with him didn't mean anything" Autumn says.

"It didn't mean anything to you?" Andy say's still trying to talk to autumn.

"No it didn't, and clearly it didn't mean anything to you". Autumn say's walking away with tears spilling from her eyes.

"It did though Autumn" Andy say's still walking after the her.

Autumn stop's and turns around, "Andy i never want to see you again, cause if i do...I'll probably just keep falling for you." Autumn say's looking up at the curly head boy.

Autumn walks away with tears coming out of her eyes. She just lost one of her closest friends to a stupid boy. Autumn felt stupid, so stupid that she thought she could get Andy. She walks home alone, with a piece of her heart missing. Autumn couldn't help but think , boys will be boys.

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