2. Compulsions

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"Check. Checkmate in three moves." Gideon said, moving a chess.

"What?" Spencer said, confused about how he won the game.

"You know you'll beat him when you start learning." Mogran told Spencer.

Spencer got defensive, "learning what?"

"To think outside the box."

From behind the boys, you can hear heels clinking against tiles, "Question for you." Elle said, completely ignoring the fact Spencer was in front of her.

"Shoot." Morgan said.

"The footpath killer. Why did he sttuter?" She said, walking towards her desk, her hips swaying from left to right and her hair flowing backward.

"Come on, Elle. We've all asked him, and he won't say. He wants us to figure it out."

Elle sat on top of her desk, still not acknowledging the fact that her desk was right in front of the boy she fell for in Seattle.

"Mmm, ok. I'm up for a challenge."

"Good. Because these go to you." A blonde haired woman said. "Special Agent Jennifer Jareau, JJ if you like." She said, extending her hand.

Elle let go of the name plaque she had in hand and extended her hand. "Elle." She said, shaking JJ's hand.

"Greenaway. Highest cases solved in Seattle, three years running. Special team sex offender cases." Elle looked over to Spencer, whose eyes were already on both the women.

"Not bad." Elle said.

"Well, I'm the unit liason. My specialty is untangling the bureaucratic nots. You'll probably be talking to me a lot, my door is always open, mostly because I'm never in my office. So, just call me on my cell, ok? We'll talk." JJ said, walking away, up the stairs and into her bosses offices.

Morgan was just watching everything from his desk along with Spencer. Elle was surprised at what just happened.

"Did you watch it?"JJ asked.

"Yeah, I think everybody should see it. BAU team, can you meet me in the conference room please? I need to show you something" Hotchner said, walking towards the conference room.

Everyone got up and headed towards the conference room.

"This is from the Phoenix office, Brad shot college in Tempe (A/N: don't know if I wrote that line correctly) 6 fires in 7 months." Hotchner said.

"Who recorded it?" Gideon said.

"A student with a digital cam-quarter, he was watching a fire from the building across their dorm. The other person you'll see is his roommate; 20 year old Matthew Roland." JJ said, clicking a button on a remote control to turn the TV across the BAU table. A video of a building catching on fire appeared in the screen with two young men seen to be looking at the fire.

"Is that the kid?" Gideon asked. "Yeah that's him." Hotchner replied.

Everyone then focused on the video playing, both Elle and Spencer switching their positions to be in a more comfortable state to watch the video.

The two men in the door are now seen in a dorm room, smoke appearing under their door. Someone started trying to get into their room. Smoke now coming in faster into their room, swift of gas filling and smelling the boys dorm room.

One of the young men gets closer only to get lit on fire. The young man was seen struggling to put out the fire on his own body, he fell to the ground. The second young man grabbed a pillow case and started hitting the boy that was on fire, trying to out the fire, yet not succeeding.

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