6. Broken Mirror

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It's been a couple of days since the team's day off. JJ and Spencer have already gone on their little date. A day prior Morgan and Hotch were giving him pointers on what to do on a date.

"Always open her door." Morgan said, "bring flowers also." Hotch continued. Spencer was getting the gist on what was going, "okay, okay, I get it. Thank you."

Elle and Derek were at a cafe together. Derek had invited her because he's noticed how off Elle has been since their day off. They after their day off she walked into the BAU sad and once him and Hotch were giving Spencer pointers on what to do on the date he had with JJ she looked almost agitated and walked off.

"Spill, what has you so depressed?"

"Hi, how are you? Good morning, Elle, how'd you sleep?' 'I slept well thanks for asking." She mocked.

"Hi, Elle. Good morning, how'd you sleep?" He sighed.

"Very good, thanks for asking."

"What has you so depressed?"

"Nothing." Elle shrugged, as a woman brought over a pot of coffee.

"Come on, Elle. Don't act like I haven't noticed the sad look you had when we were giving Spencer pointers on a date. And don't like I also haven't noticed the little glances you two give each other, something has to be going on. And for a kid who basically knows everything, he is clueless about the dating life." Ele sighed, of course he noticed. She knew she wasn't going to be able to hide it from him any longer.

"Fine, I guess I read into our little situation wrong." Elle caved in. The woman brought out the pastries they ordered, "we were over at my apartment eating ice cream after we hung out with you guys, and when he told me he liked JJ we had finished our ice cream and he had left because it was getting late. That whole day I thought he liked me back because of the little glances, whisper talks, and the little talks we had away from the team."

"Oh, Elle. I've seen the way he looks at you. Not one single girl has ever made Spencer look smaller than he already is. You're also the only person who he's ever let them touch him. If it makes you feel any better he probably only asked JJ out because she loves the redskins."

"Makes me feel a little better." Elle said, pinching her fingers together.

"I'll help you figure out if he likes you or JJ. Just know I won't tell you if he likes JJ." Elle smiled. Derek was a really great friend, she loved him. She's never had boy best friend who truly sees her only as a friend and not as someone he wishes can get into her pants. "Thanks, Morgan." He nodded, "now let's head to work." Elle groaned, they were having such a good morning.

Even after they passed to a cafe they were still the first to arrive beside Hotch. "JJ, it's fine. I forgive you."

"Spence, I feel bad about it. I should've asked before we even arrived."

"Jennifer, it's alright." Spencer said out of anger. JJ had brought Penelope along on the date he thought was a date. JJ has been apologizing ever since. Spencer wasn't mad she did that, he truly forgave her, but her apologizing a hundred million times at 7am was getting him angry. "I'm sorry, it's seven in the morning and I don't have time being bothered this early." JJ's mouth was split open, "I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay, really." He said, his hand being on her biceps.

Elle and Derek were watching from afar, "what do you think happened there?" Derek asked, eating Elle's gummies that she had stashed in her desk. "I don't know." She looked down and saw her gummies, "hey! At least ask before you go digging into my desk."

"How come Spencer doesn't have to ask?!"

"He steals my candy too?!" Derek's face showed that he messed up. "Noooooo" he said sarcastically.

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