11. First date

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Spencer had narrowed down that Elle's and his first date should be a picnic. It's small, cute, and calming. Going out to dinner is more of a second date kind of thing, at least that's what Derek told him in one of their conversations a while back.

Before they left to go home the previous day, Spencer had told Elle he was picking her up and that it was going to be a picnic. He didn't say where, but she trusts him. One piece of information he did tell her was, he's gonna swing by at her apartment at 5:30pm so they can arrive at 6:00pm.

He had chosen to do the picnic at Jefferson park. He chose it because not only is there a good view of the city, but after their picnic they could go for a walk.

First stop; flower shop.

Spencer had asked for the florist to help him. He had asked the woman which flowers would be for good for a first date. The woman said white roses are good for a first date, not too romantic, but not to settle. "To top things off I think it'll be best we also add verbena." The florist said, Spencer nodded enthusiastically.

The florist had set up the little bouquet and wrapped it in white paper, and wrapped a ribbon around the bottom.

"Thank you so much, ma'am."

The woman smiled, "You're welcome, good luck on the date." Spencer gave her another smile as a thank you.

Next stop; Elle's apartment.

Elle had chosen to wear a red v-cut long sleeve shirt, dark-blue boot-cut jeans, and her doc martens'. To top the whole outfit she chose to wear a black puffer jacket. Her makeup was light given the fact they're going to do a picnic. And she decided on straightening her hair.

Spencer had arrived at Elle's apartment building and sat in his car for a bit as he wondered when to give her the flowers. I should give them to her at her door. Wait, but wouldn't it be better to do it at the park? If I give them to her in the car that's just not romantic. I should've just bought her two bouquets.

He had chosen to give them to her at her door, on their next date (if everything goes to plan) he'll buy her two bouquets to save him from the trouble.

Spencer hid the bouquet behind his back and knocked on her door. No longer than two minutes he heard footsteps walking towards the door, "Hi." Elle said, with a smile.

She looks - amazing. I am the luckiest man. I can't believe she chose me and not Morgan.

Spencer gave her a smile, "hello, you look— beautiful."

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself."

Spencer was wearing khaki jeans, a brown crew-neck, and beneath it was a white shirt. He wore his normal black converse.

"Let me go unplug my hair straightener and we can head out." Spencer nodded and waited outside her door. He can smell her apartment from where he was standing; cinnamon with a mixture of vanilla.

"Okay I'm ready!" Elle said, as she grabbed her house keys.

"Before we go, I want to give you these." Elle's face lit up.

These are beautiful oh my God!

"They are so pretty! Thank you, Spence!" She got on her tiptoes and gave Spencer's cheek a kiss. Elle being excited about the flowers made him blush, but the kiss made him redder than a tomato. "Aw, look I made Spencer Reid blush." Elle nudged Spencer. Spencer burst out laughing. The hallway was filled with giggles as they made their way downstairs.

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