5. Day off

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Today is the day the team hangs out all day. The team does this tradition where they hang out for a full day on one of their days off. They only do this once a month, sure they hang out after work almost every week, but they only hang out for about 2 hours then go their separate ways. These type of days they hang out from ten in the morning to nine in the afternoon. They do whatever through the day and end it with a drunk night. It's Elle's first time hanging out with the team, ever. She hasn't hung out with the team after work since her time working with the team.
Shes excited and nervous at the same time.

The team also has this tradition where they make the newbie pay for breakfast and first round of drinks. They go to the same diner every month that the workers there know who they are by name.

"What do I wear?!" Elle said, throwing clothes all over her room. "It's my day off, so I don't have to wear anything professional, butttt my boss is going to be there... ugh fuck! What do I wear!" She plopped herself on the bed. There was a knock on her door, "fuck!"

She ran towards her door, "I'm so sorry I'm not ready!" She told JJ, "I can't find anything to wear!" Elle ran back into her room JJ following her, but closing the front door first.

"Elle, calm down. What's your inspo?"

"I don't know! It's my day off so I want to be comfortable, but my boss is going to be there so I want to be professional, but not too professional to the point I'm not comfortable!"

"Elle, Hotch doesn't care what you wear. You can go in sweats and he wouldn't care. Hotch isn't Hotch outside of work. He's Aaron."

"That doesn't help. I'm the newbie."

"Here, how about this," JJ grabbed some leggings, "with..." she searched around the room, "this," she had grabbed a white knitted sweater.

"How- how did you?"

"I struggle picking stuff out for myself but amazing at picking stuff out for others. So how about you get your ass to your restroom and change, I recommend wearing a coat over that because it's cold out." Elle headed towards her restroom and changed, the outfit was actually cute and comfy.

"Here, I picked it out while you were changing I also tidied up your room a bit." JJ said, handing Elle a black long, but not too long coat.

"Thank you so much. For everything."

"No problem. Now hurry up and put your shoes on so we can go pick up Pen and Spence."

Spencer is going to be in the same car as me?! Oh God! I hope I don't look too bad.

"What shoes would look good?"

"I'd go with the black converse we may be walking a lot." Elle nodded her head and grabbed the converse. She walked over and sat next to the drawer that had her socks in it. JJ was looking at the pictures that were next to Elle when she saw these white leg warmers that matched Elle's knitted sweater. "You should wear those leg warmers."

"I never worn them."

"So today should be the day."

"Are you sure? I don't want this outfit to look tacky."

"They'll look good. Plus it's really cold out and you're wearing leggings."

"You're right, you're right." Elle slipped on the leg warmers after she slipped on her mix-matched socks. One was white with pink poky- dot socks and the other was white with red hearts. "The mix-matched socks remind me of Spence." JJ said, while chuckling.

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