9. Girls night

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"Cheers to Elle's first girls night!" Penelope squealed. JJ, Elle, and Penelope all clinked their wine glasses together. "Cheers!" They all said.

They decided the safest and best option to do girls night at was Penelope's apartment. Elle still had the gash on the side of her cheek. It's only been two days since the whole incident. The first day she had to finish the paperwork. She also didn't sleep very well... so she was running off three hours of sleep. She was only able to take a tiny little nap once the sun came up. She woke up after she had a nightmare about Ted actually killing her instead of the guard. Initially she was going to try and go back to sleep, but that's when Penelope called her to plan girls night.

For the rest of the evening she spent it deep cleaning her home. Deep cleaning her sanctuary always works wonders when she's in all types of moods; angry, stressed, sad, anxious.

Once she was done it was time for her to get ready to head to the store and pick something up before she headed to Penelope's.

Once she arrived at Penelope's she saw JJ was already there , she was the only one missing.

"So, JJ said she needed something to tell us.." Penelope started, as she drank her weird mixture of wine, vodka, and whatever else she put it in.

"I finally met someone." JJ groaned.

"SPILL." Penelope said, putting her glass down.

Elle was sipping on her glass as she watched and heard everything. She still wasn't sure if she was that close to JJ to be asking her to spill the tea.

"I was at Joe's"

"Who's?" Elle asked.

"Joe's café, it's JJ's favorite place." Penelope said.

JJ nodded and kept going, "I was sitting at the counter, talking to Tom," JJ turned to a very confused Elle, "Joe's son, and a very beautiful raven haired woman sat next to me." Penelope's mouth dropped, Elle just raised her eyebrows.

"A WOMAN?! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT." Penelope exclaimed.

"I didn't think it was needed information... now I'm sorta regretting not telling you..." JJ said, staring a very angry Penelope up and down. "As I was saying... a beautiful woman sat next to me and asked if she can sit next to me. She introduced herself as Emily. And before you ask Penelope, I didn't get her last name." JJ said, as she turned to look at Penelope.

"I wasn't going to ask that.."

"Did you guys have a conversation? Or did she grab her order and leave?" Elle asked.

"We spoke for a good 2 hours before she had to leave."

"Did you at least learn anything about her that I can look up?" Penelope said, annoyed her friend didn't dare to get a last name.

JJ sighed, "No, Penelope, no. We talked about the basics. We weren't about to go tell our whole life's story to someone we just met. All we both knew is our hometowns, what we do for a living, and a couple of facts about us, in which you can't find."

"When can we meet her?!" Penelope said, a bit more happy than she was 2 minutes ago.

"I just met her 4 days ago!"

"And?" She snapped back. JJ rolled her eyes and Elle started to laugh.

Elle was enjoying watching everything happen. It wasn't really her place to pry on JJ's love life. She wasn't close enough to her to be doing that, or at least she thought.

"How about you guys?"

Penelope sighed, "I haven't found my perfect 'night and shining armor."

Elle nodded, "me either." Spencer hasn't made a move yet. And in all honestly she was tired of waiting. She's still in between asking him out or either moving onto someone else.

love at first sightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora