4. Plain sight

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A/N: Just a heads up this chapter will mention r*pe. I will try my best to give a heads up before it starts talking about it in depth, if you do decide to still read this chapter. The heads up will be this emoji ⚠️

San Diego, California

In a fancy, rich, and nice neighborhood lived a woman and her family in a nice house; beige, big drive way, two story house, wonderful garden and palm trees surrounding the house.

Inside the house the mother was doing her daily yoga in her room while the rest of her family was out.

Little did she know, she had her living room window opened. Why would she worry? The neighborhood was nice, the neighbors looked out for one another. Nothing ever happened in her neighborhood, so she had nothing to worry about.

A mysterious person dressed in all black took the window as an advantage to go into the house. It was the perfect spot; husband isn't home, the woman is all alone, music is blasting. No one could hear the mystery person climb into the house.

Before the mysterious person went upstairs they roamed around the house for a bit. Turned off the water, looked at the expensive plates, spoons, forks, and knives stored away neatly in a clear cupboard. Anything that seemed out of place to the unsub they would arrange it. Whether it was a tilted utensil or crooked picture frame.

They walked towards the room with the loud music playing, they took their time in analyzing the beautiful family pictures hung up on the hallway walls.

The lady was still very much clueless that someone had climbed through her window. She was also clueless about the person being just outside her and her husband's bedroom door.

They turned the knob very slowly and quietly. The woman was still entertained with her yoga, she turned around and was met by a person in black. She didn't scream, she didn't flinch, she didn't run, she stayed still. The person in black covered her mouth and that's when the lady let out a squeal.

Virginia, Quantico

"Happy Birthday, Spencer!" Elle said, jogging towards Spencer with a present in hand.

"Hmm? Oh, right, thank you."

"Here, I bought you something." Elle said, handing Spencer a pretty heavy bag.

Spencer grabbed the bag from Elle's hand thinking it was light, but his hand was brought down due to the weight.

"I forgot to mention it's pretty heavy..."

"What's in it?"

"That is for you to find out."

They both started to walk towards the double glass doors side to side. Spencer opened the door for Elle, "thank you." He gave her a closed lip smile.

"Happy Birthday, Pretty boy." Morgan said, slapping Spencer's arm and giving him a huge grin. "I see Greenaway got to you before me." He said pointing at the present.

Spencer and Elle were both at their desk. Spencer had put the present on his desk. He sat down and grabbed the case file, Elle doing the same.

"Well aren't you going to open it?" Morgan asked, being the only one waiting to see what it was.

"He can once he blows out the candles." JJ said, walking into the bullpen with a cake in hand. The cake was huge. It was chocolate cake which was Spencer's favorite. It had brown icing, and on top of the brown icing there was blue and yellow decorations on the side. On the top it read, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY REID" in all caps. There were multiple candles on it, all lit up.

love at first sightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora