Zack Silverfang

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Name: Zack Silverfang Kure

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Name: Zack Silverfang Kure

Age: 19

Speices: Rikan/Human/Demosian/Primordial Dragon God/Herrscher/Demon Emperor

Gender: Boi

Personality: Serious, brutal, and yet a quiet person.

Title: The Emperor of Shadow and Death. The Tyrant Dragon God Emperor. The True Descendent Of Vergil. The Tyrant Galaxy Dragon. The Emperor Of Death And Light. The Dark Demon Sparda. The God Of Chaos, The Apex Mountain Dragon(By Kaisel) The Chaos Warrior of Death, Creation, Destruction Chaos, Carnage, Peace, Hope, Harmony, Honour, Respect, Determination, Justice. Balance of Life and Death The God Slayer Deity Of Chaos and Death. The Shadow Demon Emperor.

Likes: His children, his family, his friends, Rikan Clan, Azure Lane, ship, training, peace, his dragon Giba and Kaisel. Rikan Gods, Alice, Kama. Anna.

Dislikes: Union, Sometimes Kurama. Seeing people hurt, seeing their family members hurt. Seeing people freedom taken away, Hungry Power Devil, Vali, Assholes, Arrogant people, cocky. Losing his allies. Perverts, Bullies. Alrest Empire, Wu Clan, Malos fraction and more

Powers and abilities:







High skill Ninjutsu

Master Hand To Hand Combat

Kenjustsu: Sword techniques

Sojutsu: Spear technqiues

Shurikenjutsu: Throwing weapons

Hensojutsu: Disguise and impersonation.

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (流水岩砕拳, Ryūsui Gansai-ken; Viz: Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock): A martial art Shaiver learned from his former master, Bang. It is composed of a series of extremely fast and powerful punches that can take out strong enemies. Shaiver avoids using this style if possible because it reminds him of Bang. The martial art can repel the attacks of his opponents, nullify them, or redirect them with twice the power. Furthermore, if in a crisis, the martial art has his body move on its own. However, this art is incomplete as Bang did not teach Shaiver  how to fight against animal-like fighting styles, such as Watchdog Man's. Initially, Shaiver 's command of the art is far inferior to his master's, as noted by Genos and Superalloy Darkshine. He must make a conscious effort in order to utilize the techniques, but for Bang, it has become part of his very being. Despite this, Shaiver has managed to sharpen it through battles, able to fight on par with his former master later in his evolved state

.Awakening Breath (剛醒呼法, Gousei Kohou): A breathing technique that draws out the body's maximum potential. When used, Shaiver's mobility, agility, and maneuverability are heightened. He is seen utilizing this technique against Death Gatling's group of heroes, and later against Orochi

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