.+*Mystery/Thriller Results*+.

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Dear writers, I am extremely honored to have judged your books. After reading the required amount of chapters and following the rubrics given, I have arrived at the following results:
~ BlueCirci1

Judges: BlueCirci1 and kinalhariya

Thank you both so much!!

And now the results :)

12. Preejun ff kashmakash by salley145

Average Score: 4.5

The idea itself is unoriginal and the plot moves too fast. Description too needs more work and pacing could use a pull back. I get this is a fanfiction but it's not an excuse not to give character details and better description. It was fun to see preeta face obstacles and see how she reacts and overcomes those situations. Your writing technique needs more showing and not telling. Although your works has bits and pieces of a thriller, it doesn't fully accommodate the concept of a mystery thriller. It was fun to read and I wish you all the best on your writing journey.

11.Total Eclipse of the Heart by strawberry1d

Average Score: 5.1

The point of view used was unclear. When writing it is best to keep readers thinking the characters are absolutely fictional and unreal. If it seems at a point that the author is getting involved it immediately puts off the reader. In writing it is called showing and not telling, when you described the brothers you could've shown their dislikes without you telling us what they're dislikes are. I hope you find this helpful and I would add that the concept is fun. Thank you for entering your work into this contest.

10. Each of us has a story to tell by craftychicken

Average Score: 5.8

The idea behind this is absolutely lovely but unfortunately your writing technique made it fall short of what was intended. Character description needs a lot of work and so does development. The dialogues felt forced and it broke the wall intended to keep your readers from the author. I would advise that you see the scenes happening in real time and your MC are life-like. Adopt more of showing and not telling, not in all of your writing but in some scenes that will draw in your readers. I love the idea and concept this has and I would love to read it when you revise it. Thank you for entering your work into this award,it was an honour judging.

9. Black or White by DeathBlade__

Average Score: 6.2

The layers of the plot move synchronously with each other. From description to character building it was beautiful. Pacing in this story doesn't blend well with the idea of the plot. Along with too much details you included that the readers do not need. It is good to add detail but too much can make the story bland and almost feel like work. If you know that the information you are giving to the readers is not necessary then don't give it. Reading this story was fun. Keep on writing and I wish you best of luck.

8. 128 by ZapZac27

Average Score: 6.8

This was nerve-wracking to read. I loved the bits and pieces of absolute chaos thrown into this. I do think your dialogues were leading but it didn't ruin the work. Thank you for entering your work into this award. I enjoyed reading. Keep writing!

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