Chapter 7: Tears that surrounded the eyes

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4 months had gone. Iresh had an excellent academic improvement and his long wish of having an 9+ SGPA was achieved with an 9.75 SGPA at his semester 4. He also had achievements at his hobbies and balanced his  academics.  

But he started to miss naman more at his life. There messages got reduced , he barely found a chance to speak to Naman.  One day suddenly to his surprise he saw naman approaching him during the class . He asked Iresh if he could sit beside him.  Iresh was happy but at the same time he had to run towards the lab to complete a experiment , with happiness and hesitation Iresh ran towards the lab. His heart started to beat fast and he came back soon but to his disappointment naman was not found there at his place. Iresh searched for naman and he could find him near kaushik and Raveena along with Prakash. 

Meanwhile it was high time since iresh had no chance to speak to Naman . so he thought of speaking to Naman while he leaves from college to catch the train.  Naman found out from Hardik that Naman had left the college already as that day after a very long time Samar was travelling along with Naman. Iresh before leaving went to the washroom and while leaving the room , he heard Kaushik , Raveena and Prakash remarking about Iresh and how naman had gone back to sit with Iresh. Kaushik literally seemed very possessive and he made a remark that Iresh was not the right choice for Naman and it was Naman who had to  bare Iresh for his happiness. On hearing this Iresh literally broke that day night all he could see was his pillow surrounded with tears.  

Iresh had terrible thoughts about their friendship. What on earth had gone wrong? Why did Raveena and Prakash plot against Iresh? endless questions surrounded his mind and the answer could be only from Naman.

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