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Bettys POV
Jughead smiled while looking at me "well my mom and I are comfortably living at a trailer park."

I frowned and asked him "you and your mom?"

He chuckled softly and explained "didn't have a great upbringing."

I frowned and nodded "I'm sorry."

He shook his head at me "it's not that bad, my mom and I are happy."

I smiled and he told me "what about your family? They're quite...overprotective."

I laughed and told him "my dads a little lighter, but my mom is always worrying about me and so is my older brother."

He nodded and said "I'm sure they just love you a lot."

I nodded agreeing with him as he asked me "do you enjoy reading?"

I shrugged and nodded "I suppose so, I really enjoy Beloved by Toni Morrison. And a classic, Romeo and Juliet. And I also read a lot of Nancy Drew growing up."

We both laughed as he thought and said "I'm more of a true crime buff, biography's, historical fiction. Nonfiction."

I smiled and told him "that's cool, and why's that your favorite?"

He shrugged suggesting "it's the only thing that peaked my interest growing up. But even then I just...enjoy the writing."

I smiled and played with my hands as I asked him "so I heard you were in a gang...hows that? Or is that rude to ask?"

He began to laugh and I gulped and a small smile grew on my face "you're cute Cooper. I mean-I guess...it's not bad? It's dangerous but...I was raised to be in the environment so I know how to take care of myself."

I gave a small nod as the food arrived and I took my plate and sipped on my milkshake.

"So Betty can I ask you something?"

I gulped and set down my milkshake "what is it?"

He sighed and mentioned "when...when we were leaving the party, your purse fell and I went to grab it, I saw...pills."

I gulped and he said "are you...I don't want to sound insensitive."

I frowned and explained "I have depression and anxiety. I take pills and those along with alcohol is not a good combination. Which is why I started to feel woozy."

He nodded and said "sorry for bringing it up. I was just worried."

I smiled and told him "it's nice of you to worry for me. But don't worry I'm okay."

He blushed and nodded and I smiled and we had begun to eat. It was nice...it felt normal, this felt good to me.

When we finished and Jughead paid leading us both out, as we left he asked me "may I take you home?" I smiled and I looked at the motorcycle we would be riding.

My eyes widened as he turned back to me laughing "the trucks my dads, this is my ride."

I smiled and he told me "let's make one stop before your house."

I gulped and said "sure..."

He smirked and helped me on as he handed me a helmet.

"Hold on tight and don't worry, if you worry it'll be worse." I wrapped my arms around him as he started up his bike and we left.

We drove for some time but eventually made it up onto the cliffs and he parked the bike and he got off and helped me off as well. He held my hand as we walked over to the edge of the cliff just enough to see Riverdale right below us.

"Wow...this is a great view." I complimented.

He smiled and told me "whenever...I feel nervous I come here."

I gulped and asked him "you're nervous? Of what?"

He smiled and turned to face me as he said "nothing, I just...wanted to show you something special about me."

I blushed facing the city as I went to hold his hand. I felt this sense of joy just by his touch, the comfort I felt...it made me feel alive. It was different. I had never felt this feeling and I never wanted to let it go.

I smiled as I held his hand tighter and gulped "Jughead..."

He looked at me as I asked him "why didn't you question the pills before?"

He thought for a second as he began to explain "I was...scared, I had to make sure you got home safely, that you felt okay. I didn't think...I had to. It was your business. I didn't have to know why but just...know you're okay."

I frowned and told him "depression isn't just being sad..."

He laughed and told me "Betty I'm not gonna judge whatever you may have, as long as you tell me if you're feeling comfortable or uncomfortable."

I gave him a small nod as he pulled me closer to his side and I held his arm and smiled.

I told him "no guy has...been this nice to me. Besides my dad and brother."

He chuckled under good breath and I looked up at him "I'm ready to go home."

He looked at me and agreed as we got back on his bike and drove off. As he stopped his bike I got off and took off the helmet handing it to him.

"I had a lot of fun."

He agreed "I did too."

I smiled as I said "goodnight Jughead."

He smiled and I began to walk up to my door as I heard "wait."

I stopped and turned around seeing Jughead as he smiled and said "goodnight..."

I smiled back letting out a small laugh "goodnight."

But as I said that he held my face and leaned into kiss me. His lips pressed against mine as I calmly shut my eyes. I pressed my hands onto his chest as my foot slightly rose off the ground.

He pulled away from me and I opened my eyes to look at him and looked down to my feet feeling embarrassed and flushed.

"You okay?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm great." I stuttered out.

He smiled and told me "here, it's my number. Text, call, whenever you'd like."

I nodded as he handed me his number and walked back to his bike. I smiled and went inside my house as I smiled and took off my shoes walking up to my room.

That's when I heard "how was it?"

I saw my mom as she smiled and I laughed and said "it was amazing!"

My tone and attitude peaked her interest and told me "Charles told me to wait for him to arrive, as we wait, tell me all about it."

I nodded and she smiled back taking my hand.

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