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Bettys POV
I was under my covers in my bed as I heard a soft knock at the door "go away."

I let out but heard it open and heard "Elizabeth?"

I turned my head seeing my dad as I turned my head back. "What do you want?"

He sighed and walked over to my bed and sat down "your mother is just trying to protect you."

I groaned out "Jughead won't hurt me! He's not that type of person dad! He won't let me get hurt! I get you're worried but you need..."

He sighed and I frowned "it's because you don't trust me anymore right? To make decisions? Because I've hurt myself?"

He shook his head "that is not it."

I sniffled and he told me "his father got hurt in jail Betty, they have dealt with terrible people."

I gulped and he let out, "Elizabeth we have almost lost you once and we do not want that to possibly happen again."

I gulped and he frowned and I held his hand "I feel better when I'm with Jughead. For once the voices leave my head when I'm with him and people that like me. For once I feel...happy about being myself around people my age."

He sighed and I smiled "I haven't hurt myself and I don't want too, I know you're worried. But I promise I will always come home. I don't want to do anything like that again. I don't want to leave you and mom...and Charles. I want to get better."

He frowned and I hugged him as he rubbed my back. "I know Jughead being in a gang isn't what you would really like but, but can you trust me when I say that I'm okay?"

He gulped slightly and looked away and nodded "dad...I'm sorry I reacted this way. I guess...the last few years haven't been the best and I'm finally starting to feel something good. I just don't want it taken..."

He looked at me and smiled kissing my forehead. "I trust you, let me talk to your mom she just doesn't want to lose her special little girl."

I gave him a small nod and he left as I stayed in my room.

The next morning Kevin was at my house as he said "so you're telling me that your brother is trying to get Jugheads dad out of jail and now your mom doesn't want you with Jughead cause of some issues he has a gang member? Reasonable but I think you should rebel."

I shrugged and explained "I get why they're doing this but I just want them to try and trust me again and I hope after this they will."

He shrugged as I looked away and scratched my head.

"But you like him a lot and want to be with him right?"

I nodded "of course but I also can't just simply say fuck off to my parents."

He nodded and thought as I sat on my bed with him.

"What should I do?" I asked.

He smirked suggesting "invite him over for dinner. Perhaps that will change your parents minds about him."

I nodded softly "alright. Alright I will!"

I grabbed my phone and began to text Jughead.

That night the doorbell rang and I went over to open the door.

Jughead saw me and smiled and I smiled back. "Hey...come in."

He walked in and took off his boots as I walked him to the kitchen "mom, dad. This is Jughead."

He smiled waving as my mom stopped cutting and my dad whispered something into her ear.

She forced a smile as she said "welcome Jughead. Dinner isn't ready yet we're waiting for Bettys brother you may take a seat on the couch."

I then said "actually we're gonna go to my room." She widened her eyes as my dad said "you are allowed to go sweetheart it's no trouble."

I nodded and we went to my room.

As Jughead and I entered my room he looked around "wow, your room is the size of my trailer."

I gulped and felt a bit of unease as he laughed "don't worry, I'm not jealous."

I sighed as he approached my mirror and looked at the photos.

"Nice to know you love your family..."

I nodded softly "they're really the only people who've loved me."

He looked back at me as I sighed and he questioned "so why am I here? You don't just invite a guy to your overprotective parents house for no reason."

He sat on my bed and laid against the headboard as I frowned "they don't want me to date you."

He was confused and I explained "they think you being a serpent is dangerous and troubling and they don't want to trust you but maybe we can change that? You can show them that...yes your apart of a gang but you're not evil either."

He sighed and frowned as I gulped "unless..."

He shook his head holding my shoulders "this happens quite often...but Betty...being in a gang I've made many mistakes. But that's because it's to protect myself, my family, my friends... anything I do is to protect someone."

I frowned and asked "have you killed someone?"

He scoffed at me and said "no! No why would you think that!?"

I told him "my brother found something about you, my mom doesn't want me to be with you and my dad is only trusting you even in those house because he knows I'm starting to feel happy. What could you have done that...could've been so bad?"

He sighed and looked at me and groaned rubbing his eyes "Jughead...what did you do?" I asked again.

He turned to me and said "I didn't and would never kill anyone. I wouldn't throw away my entire life like that. But...I did spend some time in juvie. For...hurting someone."

I gave a small nod and asked "how long?"

He sighed out "a month or two..."

I sighed and he gulped "I wasn't in a good headspace. And I...I don't want to blame anything but me. And then my ex wanted to charge me for raping her."

I almost tripped on my legs as I took a step back looking at him and holding the desk behind me.

"You didn't right?"

He said "of course not! But who would believe me! My girlfriend was a stupid prep school girl that I thought could actually work with the life I had! And no she rather tell the whole world that I raped her so I could go to jail cause I'm washed up."

I gulped and said "Jughead..."

He stopped and interrupted me saying "sorry Betty. I've gotta go."

He left my room and I followed him out and down the stairs. He got his boots back on and opened and closed the door shut.

I looked at the door and frowned as I turned around seeing my mom with her arms crossed and my dad standing behind her as I cried and ran up to my room.

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